Drugs are basically organic or inorganic chemicals. There are various families of drugs either obtained naturally or synthesized in the lab for various purposes. There are medicinal drugs which are prescribed in definite dosages for various ailments or other medical reasons. There are non-medicinal drugs too which are consumed by some people for temporary relief from depression or other nervous tensions. These drugs if consumed in excess tend to damage our nervous system and hinder the functioning of our other body parts.Speech Topics

Drug addiction starts as a one-time indulgement. The person who starts taking drugs as a habit soon gets addicted to them. Drugs definitely relieve a person off his troubles temporarily but cause long-term malfunctioning. Drug addicts turn irresponsible and lose all senses when under the effect of drugs. They lose control over themselves and can’t manage to stand straight themselves. Their body goes weak and fall ill. They lose their sense of hunger and live on drugs. They reach a height of desperation where they can go to any extent to procure drugs. They lose their morality and cannot understand how to react to situations. They lose the sense of stimuli and their life deteriorates to such a level that they stop thinking about other aspects of their lives. They spend huge amounts of money on drugs. They start resorting to inhuman methods for procuring money to buy drugs. Some of them turn criminals and can get down to killing people for drugs. They lose respect and love from the people around them. Their way of living turns pitiable. Drug addiction is an evil that deteriorates a person physically, mentally, emotionally and socially. It is not easy to get rid of it but with support and self-determination, it can be possible.

There are many rehabilitation centres all over the country where drug addicts are brought and they are helped to get rid of their addiction gradually. They are reconstructed and are taught to live a healthy life yet again. Physical and mental exercises help a victim return to a healthier way of living only if he really wants to get rid of the addiction. Determination and strength is required to combat the problem. A recreational activity or a hobby can help them channelize their energy and time in a productive way thus keeping them busy. A strong will-power is required so that they do not returns to drugs and other such addictions.

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