Discipline is the backbone of a nation. Only those nations where people have a sense of discipline prosper in all fields. They even rule other nations. Discipline is a valuable asset at all levels of the society. A family having no discipline becomes a den of quarrels and is ultimately divided. An educational institution having no discipline does not impart education. That is what one can see in some of the states in India. To study or not to study, to teach or not to teach, to attend the classes or not to attend the classes – all is left to the sweet wish of the students and teachers. Such institutions look more like a vegetable market than a school or college. Thus the standard of education has gone to dogs. That is why parents want to educate their children in Mission schools and Public schools.
Indiscipline has become a trait in the third world countries. The result is the people in India, Pakistan and most of the African and Latin American Countries do not make progress. In India the indiscipline is seen the most in legislative assemblies and the Parliament. Chairs and mikes are thrown by the members at one another. Abuses are lashed. They are not lawmaking bodies but dirty arenas for dirty tricks. When these law making bodies are the most undisciplined bodies what can we expect in the social and national life. The indiscipline of the political leaders in reflected in the whole society. The whole nation suffers. The country does not make progress.
Discipline is seen in most of the European countries and in Japan and Israel. That is why these countries make progress. Discipline is born of a sense of responsibility among the people. The people in developed countries know their obligations to the nation. This results in a discipline in every field. That is how Japan has made a place for her in the whole world.
The indiscipline people have to lead a life of slavery. Democracy is a mockery in indiscipline countries. They are ultimately ruled by dictators with the help of military. Army is the only disciplined body in these countries. In many Latin American, African and Asian countries Military Junta rules the country. Discipline was forced on the people in Communist countries. Now Democracy has come to these countries too. Let us see whether they maintain discipline or not. Most probably they will for they are already developed countries. They know that it is only discipline that sustains the society.