All studies and no play make Jack a dull boy-goes the saying. It is rather sad that in a very large number of institutions importances is not given to extracurricular activities which are necessary for the physical, mental and social development of boys and girls.
A child takes interest in games since its infancy. In rural areas a large number of boys play Kabaddi and girls play Kho Kho or stone placing. It is only in Maharashtra that you find young men joining ‘akharas’ for yogasan, wrestling and many other programmes. But in any other part of the country one can find it only RSS Shakhas where young boys play games and do yogasans. But one won’t find such a branch everywhere. Moreover these are run on a certain ideology. What about those who are either against it or have no interest in it? Actually games and sports should be made a compulsory part of the curriculum at beast up to High School.
Cricket has become a craze for the young boys. They would play it in the streets too. Because of cricket they have lost enthusiasm in other healthy sports and games. That way cricket has done a great harm in the field. We have pictures like Lagan based on cricket that is box office hit. Young men should be better advised not to shun cricket but take interest in other games too. Otherwise too it is not an international game. It is played only in Commonwealth countries which were slaves of British Government. The Legacy of the Britishers remains.
NCC (National Cadet Corps) is another extracurricular activity. On the one hand it infuses discipline in students on the other it prepares them for serving in the army. It creates a sense of patriotism among the students. It is rather strange that even after 50 years of independence is has not been made compulsory. In many democratic countries especially in the USA Young men up to the age of 30 have to serve in the army in some capacity or the other. In India, the biggest democracy in the world, even NCC has not been made compulsory.
Those who are not interested in NCC may join NSS which inspires students to do social work especially in rural areas. The members hold camps in villages. They teach villagers how to keep the village neat and clean and how they can remove illiteracy. They deal with the social upliftment of villages.
Music and dance is another very good and interesting activity. It can attract a large number of boys and girls if there are regular classes for them. In some institutions of the South and Maharashtra it is a common feature to teach vocal and instrumental music. Students in some schools are trained in Bharat Natyam too.