Anna Hazare’s non-stop protest for the introduction of Lok Pal Bill rocked the entire nation and rattled the politicians!
“Honesty stands at the gate and knocks; but bribery enters in!” quoted Rich. The centre and state level elections held all over India, so far, after the 70s, witnessed frequent changes in ruling both at the centre and states. It is a common knowledge that winning and losing are like inhaling and exhaling. Ask even an uneducated who will say that all are alike. Thus, corruption has gained the status of “Open Secret.” Therefore, reading between the lines, no one is Mr. Clean!
However what irks the public is that, the Himalayan corruption in the corridor of power. Any corruption exposed is only the tip of an ice berg in India. Nevertheless, politicians who were accused once, bobbed up again after some years as people are ready to tolerate them and prefer them to the other!
Previously, people looked for a good candidate and voted him/her to power. Now the concept is changed. People select the one, not because they want him; it is just that they do not want the other to rule them! Thus, the votes polled against hate, made the other win the rat race.
Tomlin had jovially said, “The trouble with being in the rat race is that, even if you win, you are still a rat!”
But where it stabs the member of the public is that, when a bona fide citizen approaches a government official or his clerk to get something done, he had to cough some folding money to the concerned, or otherwise the citizen would be forced to run between pillar and post. Be it any govt, department right from civil supplies to police department, RTO offices, Tahsildar offices, EB office to get connection, corporation/municipality offices – thus it is endless!
Hence, the Election Commission of India now demands submission of the assets of the politician when they want to contest an election. However, these politicians have the fabricated accounts, or deposited the wealth on their kith and kin’s name (binami).
However, there are some special police teams like Anti-corruption Wing and Department of Vigilance & Anti Corruption (DVAC) in the state level to swing into action upon receipt of a complaint lodged by someone, advices the ill-fated person what to do and give some chemical coated currencies that would betray the recipient when getting the bribe and thus trap the official and arrest him. So do the CB1 when the central government officers are involved in such corrupt practices.
According to Wikileaks chief, Assange, Indians have deposited billions of rupees in Swiss Bank. If only the union government arrange to confiscate these Alladin’s cave, India can never recover from the staggering blow of corruption that eats up the country. Statistics say that corruption exists in most of the countries.
It is to be noted that not even one scholar or philosopher or writer has said a good thing about any politician. A great saying says, “The difference is that, a statesman thinks he belongs to the state and the politician thinks the state belongs to him!”