Of the three essential things, water is equally important. But of late, the swelling population, urbanization, industrialization, illegal mining by political bigwigs, insufficient rains, high-rise buildings- all these amount to depleting of ground water level. Isn’t it a burning issue?

There is a great saying about money. “Save money and money will save you.” Giving a deep thought, it is, indeed, more apt to water also. But our government does nothing to preserve the rain water that is invariably gushing down to the sea.

However, by saving rain water during the rainy season, we can confront the summer season. If so, what shall one do to save rain water? It is to be done at many stages like, catchments, conduits, coarse mesh, gutters, filter and so on. To cut down expenses, charcoal system may be applied. It is made of sand, charcoal and gravel.

Besides, sand filters may also be used. In this case, sand acts as the filter media. It is economical, too. In this process, the filter is used for treatment of water to make it pure.

With a scant technical knowledge, one can make out the sand filter with sand placed on the top layer, gravel, again gravel, followed by boulders. First, get the blueprint from corporation/municipality as to how this system is to be implemented. Or else, consult a civil engineer. However, it is better not to take or use the rain water directly.

Keep the terrace clean, or otherwise the rain water flowing from there would get polluted. Ensure that the roof is devoid of any acid substances. Similarly, cleanse the filter media before the approach of the rainy season. Make sure that the passage (interior of the pipes) is clean and there is no filth of rats and other species.Before using the harvested rain water, see that it is not polluted by any means. Have the water checked thoroughly.

It is advisable to provide gratings at the opening of each drainpipe, so that the fallen leaves from the nearby trees and other dirt can be stopped from flowing in.

After the rain water is collected and stored, ensure if the filtering system has enough room for the excessive flow of water. This system should have three concentric circular chambers with the external system covered by the sand, while the coarse aggregate is sandwiching the bottom layer, comprising pebbles.

With the sand in the increased order in line with coarse aggregate and pebbles, the flowing rainwater seeps through the centre core and is finally collected in the base. It is here that the water is treated with some chlorine tabs and gets purified, finally.

It may be noted that the people of 5000 years old Indus Valley Civilization had devised a perfect rain water harvesting system in their own method, together with drainage system, as well. The ruins of Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa had many surprising things like this about the far-sighted people of those days by their sheer knowledge.