Health is the greatest asset a person possesses. It is an important gift by nature to us. Health is precious and every one must look after it carefully. Disease is the worst enemy of good health. There are various kinds of bacteria and viruses in the atmosphere which can attack man and make him ill.
How diseases could be kept apart from affecting us. It is wise to prevent a disease rather than trying to cure it once it has already affected a person.
Many medicines have been invented for the cure of almost every disease. Drugs like asprine, quinine, penicillin, etc. have been used by doctors all over the world to cure influenza, malaria, etc. Antibiotics are given by doctors to fight serious infections. However, these cures lead to various damages to the body as they have a weakening affect on the body. Hence it has often been advised that an overdose of medicines should be avoided. In fact, as far as possible, one should let nature find its own ways of curing the patient and medicines should be taken only when the patient is suffering from a violent attack of some disease.
Self medication must be avoided. We must prevent any disease from attacking us by eating nutritious food and building up our resistance to such diseases causing bacteria. Regular exercise, plenty of fresh filtered water, fruits, etc. can be used to prevent diseases from coming close to us. We must be careful about the cleanliness of the water we drink because many diseases are borne by water. Sugar and salt must always be taken in limited amounts and we should stay away from spicy and fried food.
One must make all these efforts of protecting oneself from disease.