Short Essay about NEWS PAPERS


Life without newspaper is difficult to imagine. It is the first thing that we look for every morning. It brings us news and views from all corners of the world. Any event or occurrence of importance that take place is reported by the newspaper.

The newspaper carries information for everyone. It wide knowledge, keeps our breast of all advances made in the field of science and technology.

Newspapers are important pillar in a democracy. A free press not only makes people aware of the views and policies of government but also of their right. It keeps the government informed of peoples wish, desires and aspirations. It is a direct channel through which public opinion can be expressed.

Newspapers keep us in constant touch with news, developments, changes, advances and occurrences in each nook and comer of the world and at every little price to the reader. Its popularity gives it immense power in molding public opinion.

Unfortunately most news papers have vested interests. They are owned by capitalists and have to be their line. Some newspapers are organs of political party. Their loyalty to the party is greater than sense of fair play.

It is essential to cultivate facility in the readers, so that they don’t believe every word of news. The newspaper should have a very strict code of ethics to which it should conscientiously adhere to.