The Apollo Circus came to our city last month. The proprietor of the circus rented the maiden in Parade Grounds. There they put up a huge circular tent. One night, my friend took me to the circus. He bought two second class tickets and we went in.
The circus tent was brilliantly illuminated with electric lights. A band was playing outside to attract visitors. Seats were arranged; a huge circle around an open space. There was a big crowd of men, women and children who had come to see the show. We occupied two chairs in the second row. The bell rang exactly at 7.p.m. and the show began with a dance by young girls. The band played all die time.
Then come three girls whose athletic feats excited everyone. They twisted their bodies at all angles and in all directions, putting the head through the legs and bending the back.
Next came in four gymnasts who showed wonderful feats on horizontal bars. They jumped from one bar to another with great swiftness and swung round the bars very skillfully. Sometimes they shot straight from the first to the sixth bar.
Then come in the acrobats and the rope- dancers. A young man kept his balance on the rope while dancing high up in the air. He was followed by a slim lady. With an umbrella in her hand she walked from one end of the rope to the other. All the time a clown with a painted face was performing jokes. He was so funny that we roared with laughter.
Next came in six horses. Six men clad in bright uniforms rode on their backs. The band played a dance tune. The horses started galloping round in tune to the music of the band. As they galloped, the riders jumped from one horse to another and turned somer- saults in the air. Then the riders stood up on the horses and the latter started galloping in a circle again. It was indeed wonderful and evoked great applause.
Then three elephants were brought in. They performed funny tricks. They rolled a log of wood forward and backward. They then stood up on their hind legs and danced. After this, one of them sat down on a tub and read a newspaper. Another elephant rode a bicycle.
Last of all, came in the lion-tamer and three lions. He had a whip in his hand. The lions obeyed all his commands. They were made to drink water from the basin from which a goat was drinking. Then the goat was made to jump from the back of lion to that of another. We gave loud cheers.
The show was over at 10 p.m. We were pleased with what we saw and enjoyed the show immensely. We returned home, admiring the trained athletes and animals. We shall always cherish the memory of the circus show.