Here is a card trick that creates appositive and lasting, impression. A smart card is part the basic kit of anyone selling. In some markets (in the East for instance, where the Japanese even have plastic waterproof card to exchange by the pool), their existence and use is especially important, and they may have a translation of the information on the back.
But cars can all look much the same. Just glance at your store of those from other people –better still, put yours amongst them and see if it stands out. So something that is truly distinctive may be worthwhile. On tactic used by some organization is for people to have their photograph on their card. (It can be colour or black and white, and is in some cases a line drawing –I have cartoons and caricatures too). Here is different idea.
From FMC Southeast Asia Pte Ltd (a firm in the undersea technologies sector)…
One manager with this company always gives people two cards. They are printed on a card of a shape you may be familiar with as an example of an optical illusion (see below). When two cards are put down one above the other, one seems clearly to be the larger. Put them one on top of another and it is clear they are identical in size. It is of no significance other than as a bit of fun; but it is memorable
(Fig space)
I have another card, a tiny 6*4 cm, which has only a picture of someone on the front, the words CALL ME, and a telephone number. On the reverse side it says, “The lack of business from you has made this economy-sized card necessary”. That idea is maybe not for everyone, but why not have several different cards if they are useful?
In practice
- Review any sort of standard printed material regularly. Do not think of it as fixed and unalterable.
- Then find formats that work for you and your customers.