KEEP CUSTOMERS THINKING OF YOU – Best Sales and Marketing Ideas #52

101 Best Sales and Marketing Ideas

IDEA 52:


It is hardly a new idea to keep with customers. Memories are short, especially when people are busy, and exposed to numerous other message from other people and organizations. So most sales people do it to some degree or another, but sometimes it is regarded as a waste of time. For instance, the very nature of the business might make it inappropriate. Or does it?


From a specialist retailer…

When repeat purchases are possibility, most businesses make an effort to stay in touch with customers. But when they are not, further contact can seem like a waste of time. Yet one company shows that this is not always true. It is a specialist retailer selling wedding dresses. The average marriage may not always last as long as it used to do, but even so a customer is hardly likely to come in a fortnight after their wedding wanting another wedding dress.

Yet this retailer scheduled in (and budgeted for) a number of specific follow-up contacts after the dress was delivered and paid for. It sent flowers and card on the big day to wish the couple well, an invitation to function a month or so later, a card on their anniversary –for several years and more. Why take this line? Because people is getting married are often at a stage in life when they know others in a similar position, and with something as memorable as a wedding the likelihood of recommendation can be high. (Maybe 50 per cent customers in such a shop are there, in whole or part, through recommendation). If the day was memorable, then enhancing the idea of just how helpful the provider of the dress (and perhaps other elements of the wedding arrangements too) was highly likely to increase the number of referrals. This idea is much more straightforward and cost –effective than canvassing more widely for new business. And those who come enquiring because a friend suggested it are that much easier to sell to than colder prospects.

In practice

  • Whatever the time scale, ensure that this sort of follow-up and potential recommendation is possible in your business. Even if the traditional view does not make how to do it immediately obvious, it is worth some thought to find a way.

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