essay on role of student in development of india

ROLE OF THE STUDENTS IN DEMOCRACY Demos is a Greek word for the people. Thus democracy is a government of the people. Students form a considerable part of the population of a country. Students symbolizes the youth of the nation. There has been a trend among the teachers and parents to advise students to remain … Read more



RIVER WATER POLLUTION IN INDIA Holy rivers have rather become a myth today. According to a report of the National Environment Engineering Research Institute (NEERI) all the fourteen big rivers of India are badly polluted. They cover 85 per cent of the surface flow of water in the country. The main pollutant of river water … Read more


Short essay on journey in a crowded bus


Here is your short essay on journey in a crowded bus or an essay on my bus journey. Read it and leave your comments on it.

The bus stopped a little away from its regular stop. The whole crowd the passengers of the two buses rushed towards it. An earlier bus was cancelled. How to board the bus was a problem. There was no option but to use force. I used all the strength, pushing others back-all the abuses lashed at me- got in- very fortunate for the bus moved as soon as I managed a standing seat between the rows of sitting seats. Yes I’ll call it a standing seat for it was not possible to move even an inch from the space I was occupying. I tried to see out. None was left. All had managed to be in that black hole. Will you like to call the passengers men and women? No they were just jute bags filled with flesh and bones. Poor bags are loaded by others. These bags loaded themselves. Jute bags won’t mind if they are placed one upon the other. But these bags of skin grumbled.

Short essay on journey in a crowded bus
A bus Journey: My Best experience

It was June. The atmosphere at the bus-stand was very hot. But now all the passengers were adding to the heat inside. Even hell might have been cooler. I! No everyone was thirsty now. Water? It was not an A.C.compartment that water would be supplied. Yes you could have it when the bus stops. But why should it? It was an express-only two stops-one at a wayside restaurant providing free meals to the driver and the conductor. The other was near a silk emporium- a private one. No, no the driver has not to purchase anything. He has just to collect the usual halting charges. Almost all the passengers were out at the restaurant at least to have water, such a big crowd. I just thought of the djinn of the bottle. How could be enter the bottle. The whole crowd that even the hotel could have not accommodated entered the bus like the djinn in the bottle again.

my traveling experience essay
My Traveling Experience

Who to complain to? Everyone was perspiring and considering everyone else responsible for his inconvenience. A sudden break, A sea of heads moving backwards striking one another- some heavily –cursing the driver. These drivers have a grudge against the passengers who sit comfortable while he has to do his heavy duty. But today the scene was different. The driver was as safe in his cabin as ever while the passengers were at the receiving end. But old habits don’t leave a man. The driver had a sea of passengers that day to take his revenge upon.

‘For God’s sake don’t crush my foot’. But why have you put it under my shoe? Just push it back’, strange argument. A small child started weeping – might have been used to cooler in the summer. How could one explain him it was not house-it was a moving boiler. A bump again, everyone collided against someone else. The bus had just crossed over a speed breaker. ‘All hands in’ cried the conductor. The bus was passing through a tunnel. The lights were on to let the passengers not forget their plight.Lo! The tunnel was over. But the bus stopped with a jerk. Bedding had rolled down the roof of the bus. A few passengers hustled out of the bus. The bedding was brought back and lifted up the roof.

At last the bus reached Mangalore. What a comfort it was to be out of that luggage carrier all perspiring- all cursing the transport system of the state. It was a big relief to be out of the black hole after three hours torture especially for the children and women.

my traveling experience essay
Journey in an over crowded bus : Best Experience

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Short Essay on My Favourite Games

essay on my favourite game


I had a fancy for some of the games played in developed countries and dreams of creating records in the international jamborees of Asian, Commonwealth and Olympic games. But the dream was smashed to pieces after the Sydney Olympics of 2000- the first in the new millennium. The fancy for cricket was already over by the match fixing scam. It is all the result of copying the West in all spheres. So that my imaginative faculty does not get blurred my mind came back to my homeland where the sum of civilization rose seven thousand years back.

So far as our games are concerned we have an egalitarian approach. Our games, in the past, were played by the rich and the poor alike. The most common game played in all the states of our country is kabaddi or TuTu. It has different names in different areas. But I have seen it being played everywhere. I like it the most as it is based in the spirit of cooperation of the whole team. If the opponent comes to say kabaddi all the six members of the team catch hold of one another’s hand making a chain so that once caught the opponent may not go out of their grip. All the six becomes a single chain. The opponent also tries to come out of their clutch as abhimanyu did in Mahabharata. He was not able to get out the kabaddi player may.

Essay on my favourite games
My favourite games

I am also interested in different types of races. I secured cups 200 meter race in the lower classes. I still run in the park and aspire for a better performance. Judo and wrestling too are of my liking. But of late I have taken fancy to yogasans. I wish they too are considered a part of sports. Sarvang asan and Surya namaskar are the two I have practiced. Surya namaskar is a combination of six asans and is very useful for keeping one healthy.

Another two games I have liking for are hockey and football. In these two too team spirit is very necessary. One has not to have the arrogance that he can push the ball in the goal himself. Passing the ball from player to player is necessary. Similar is the case with volleyball. Passing the ball for the final stroke by one who is at the net is very interesting. These three games are rather universal. India was once considered champion in hockey. For the last so many years we have lost our status as we are not able to practice it seriously.

essay on  my favourite game
Traditional Indian games

I haven’t much fancy for indoor games. Let us leave table tennis and carom for the girls. They too have specialized in something. Of course they are entering the games on which formerly only men had a monopoly. India got a bronze in the Sydney Olympics-won by a woman-Malleshwari-in weight lifting. Let them enter their world of kho-kho. Let me be a champion of yogasans that require a little of meditation too.

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Speech topics on Animal Abuse and Cruelty

SPEECH ON CRUELTY TO ANIMALS ‘Bigger fish eats the smaller one’ – quite a natural phenomenon. That is how nature keeps the balance in the world of animals .The fish eats the other fish or a tiger eats its prey is killing instantaneously – the game is over within minutes. So does the whole world … Read more


ESSAY ON HISTORY OF COMPUTER Born in the USA in 1931. Computer has come of age. For years it was monopolized by IBMC USA. It was justifying its name it was originally a calculating gadget. As it grew in age the electric circuits and transistors underwent sophisticated formations. The calculators were left for small manufacturers. … Read more


ESSAY ON BANKING SYSTEM IN INDIA A harrowing experience of three quarters of a century has shown that overdosing of nationalization arrests the growth of economy drastically. It gives rise to a monopolistic regime of a few bureaucratic and administrative elites who turn the economic monopoly into political hegemony- all in the name of not … Read more

New Speech Topics on ABUSE OF INDIAN CHILD

ABUSE OF INDIAN CHILD There has been open abuse of children in a number of ways in India. Girls in early teens in Hyderabad and Kerala are married to Sheikhs from Arab countries. It went to such an extent that the Waqf Board had to ask the Moulvis to bring such pending marriages to the … Read more


A GREAT NATURAL CALAMITY ‘THE GUJARAT EARTHQUAKE’ “Saare jahan se accha” was silenced within a moment. There was no hue and cry – just a rumbling – the earth shook violently devouring 400 girls and boys who were marching towards the Town Hall in Anjar at 8.46 to celebrate the Republic Day on 26th January … Read more

Persuasive Essay Topics on History and Development of Computers

Short Essay on History of COMPUTER Born in the USA in 1931. Computer has come of age. For years it was monopolized by IBMC USA. It was justifying its name it was originally a calculating gadget. As it grew in age the electric circuits and transistors underwent sophisticated formations. The calculators were left for small … Read more

Cause and Effects of AIR POLLUTION Persuasive Speech Topics

Persuasive Speech Topics on AIR POLLUTION Before 1970 air and water pollution were considered serious problems. Noise and nuclear pollutions were added to these too – and ozone too. The smog that reduced the visibility in Malaysia and Mexico City and later the smog that engulfed the Los Angeles Valley in California in 1970 compelled … Read more

Persuasive Speech Topics on ‘THE GUJARAT EARTHQUAKE’

A GREAT NATURAL CALAMITY ‘THE GUJARAT EARTHQUAKE’ “Saare jahan se accha” was silenced within a moment. There was no hue and cry – just a rumbling – the earth shook violently devouring 400 girls and boys who were marching towards the Town Hall in Anjar at 8.46 to celebrate the Republic Day on 26th January … Read more

Persuasive Speech Topics on A DAY WHEN EVERYTHING WENT WRONG

Essay on A DAY WHEN EVERYTHING WENT WRONG It was a Sunday morning and I wanted to have a little more rest. But the dogs won’t stop barking. My room being by the side of the street it was I who had to face the gauntlet. I had only three hours’ sleep by five in … Read more