essay on role of student in development of india

ROLE OF THE STUDENTS IN DEMOCRACY Demos is a Greek word for the people. Thus democracy is a government of the people. Students form a considerable part of the population of a country. Students symbolizes the youth of the nation. There has been a trend among the teachers and parents to advise students to remain … Read more



RIVER WATER POLLUTION IN INDIA Holy rivers have rather become a myth today. According to a report of the National Environment Engineering Research Institute (NEERI) all the fourteen big rivers of India are badly polluted. They cover 85 per cent of the surface flow of water in the country. The main pollutant of river water … Read more


Religious tolerance Essay topics

RELIGIOUS TOLERANCE Religious toleration is when people allow other people to think about god(s) in ways that they do not think are true. They tolerate religious beliefs and practices which are different from their own beliefs or lack of beliefs. Religious tolerance is the backbone of a cultural and civilized society or nation. It is … Read more

Importance Of Religion : Essay Writing Topics

Importance of Religion In India

RELIGION IS NECESSARY Karl Marx called religion as the opium of the people. He thought that religion numbs the sensitivity of the people. The people, then, become a tool in the hands of the clerics. Ultimately they become a tool in the hands of the rulers- the Kings. The religious preachers and the Kings support … Read more


essay on liquor prohibition in India

PROHIBITION IN INDIA Healthy food and drinks bring a point of satisfaction. But intoxication has a reverse effect. The more one drinks the more concentrated doses he requires. Indigenous wine sold under government contracts gives more satisfaction to the poor heavy drunkards who cannot otherwise afford the sophisticated rum or whisky. A festive occasion requires … Read more

Essay Writing Topics on POPULATION EXPLOSION

short essay on population explosion in India

POPULATION EXPLOSION A dark image bumps out of the television set every morning- the glory image of the biggest democracy of the world. India has already 45th position in the comity of nations so far as economic status is concerned. Adding the Australia to the population graph is not creditable. It adds as many mouths … Read more

Essay on The Ozone Layer Depletion and Its Effects

Essay on The Ozone Layer Depletion and Its Effects

ESSAY ON POLLUTION AND OZONE LAYER Ozone is a condensed form of Oxygen. It has three atoms of Oxygen instead of two and has a faint blue color with pungent odor.In industries it is used in deodorization, oxidation and bleaching and it is generated by a silent electric discharge in ordinary Oxygen. Thus it is … Read more


Short essay writing topics on World Peace

SHORT ESSAY WRITING ON WORLD PEACE PEACE IN THE WORLD History is a record of wars. Peace is still a dream. People talk of peace but prepare for war. Almost all the countries have been raising their defense budgets. With the fall of Soviet empire, cold war is over. But the fall of Communism has … Read more


Nuclear Plant Pollution Essay Topics

NUCLEAR PLANT POLLUTION Power starving world took shelter under the umbrella of nuclear plants. The idea sprang from the energy released by atom bombs. It is very difficult to have a nuclear war. The people became wiser. They channeled the atomic power into energy through atomic plants little knowing that the radiation from these plants … Read more


Essay on Cause And Effects Of Noise Pollution

NOISE POLLUTION Heat, light, electricity, water and sound, besides a number of things are provided by nature. If the five agents of nature are under control they are rather beneficial to an individual, a society or a nation. If they are in excess and go beyond the control of man or are misused by man … Read more

Short Essay on INDIA IN SPACE

new speech topics on Incredible India - India in Space

INDIA IN SPACE – Essay Writing

Many countries have been trying to establish their superiority in the space. Some want at least their presence felt. The history of space programmes of the progressive countries has been a Chequered one. It has been rather a part of the cold war between two big powers – the erstwhile USSR and USA. The space becomes a store house of the nuclear arsenal of the west. With the disintegration of the former USSR the things have changed everywhere. India’s concern for peaceful ventures in the space has become relevant.

new speech topics on Incredible India - India in Space
Incredible India – India in Space

For the common man in this country space is associated with the name of Sq.Ldr.Rakesh Sharma, the only Indian so far to visit the space abroad Soyuz T-11 of Soviet Union on April 5, 1984.It was a short journey fulfilling the ambition of India to have an astronaut. It was actually no achievement for India – a mere lift given by a space traveler to an Indian too. India has not yet enjoyed the luxury of having a space ship of her own. We cannot afford the high cost. Moreover it has no utility for a country that has been in favor of programmes for peace.

Indian scientists and state man did not want to probe the space as much as they wanted to probe the earth from space. The programme had already been launched by different countries – specially the USA, former USSR and West European countries. The intentions were not fair. Besides probing into the natural wealth of the earth they probe into the secrets of army in other countries. The spaceships became the third eye of the KGB and CIA.

Short Essay on INDIA IN SPACE
GSLV Mk III payload fairing assembly mockup –
Indian Space Research Organisation – ISRO

India has no intention to interfere in the affairs of other countries. On the contrary we have cooperated with the USA, the former USSR, France, the UK, the Federal Republic of Germany and the European Space Agency in making progress in the field of using spacecrafts for peaceful purposes. The space programmes of India began with setting up of rocket launching station at Thumba, a village near Thiruvanathapuram in 1963. The Thumba Equatorial Rocket launching Station became the centre for the growth of ISRO. It has, now, seven associate centres, two at Ahmadabad, three at Bangalore, one at Sriharikota and one at Thiruvanathapuram.

The Indian satellite launching programme was initiated in1982 with the unsuccessful lunching of INSAT-IA.INSAT-IC also met the same fate. But IB launched from Kennedy space centre, Florida in 1983 and ID from Cape Canaveral in1990 were great success. They provided telecommunication facilities and were of a great help in radio and television network and weather monitoring. Since these four satellites were made by a US Communication Corporation India can hardly take full credit for their achievement. we had to wait till 1991 for the indigenously developed spacecrafts.


The launching of Aryabhatta in1975, Bhaskara- I in 1979 and Bhaskara –II in 1981 was a landmark in the Indian satellite programme. The three satellites were launched by Soviet rocket carrier .They carried TV camera and microwave radiometer for studying and observing hydrology, snow melting, oceanography and forestry on the Earth.

After launching IRS-IA from the former USSR on March7, 1988 the Indian Space Programmes took a leap by launching IRS-IB again from Baikanur cosmodrome in the former USSR. Both the satellites are indigenously built. IRS-IB is equipped with LISS camera. The satellite became fully operational on 15th of September 1991. As now both the satellites have been working together they cover the country every 12 days. IRS-IA had been sent 3.5 lakh pictures by September 1, 1991. The data sent by these satellites will be useful in estimating yield of crops, estimation of ground water and forest wealth. As we have our own satellites we have not to depend upon other countries for space oriented telecommunications. India launched PSLV C2 in 1999.Test flight of GSLV is planned for the beginning of the new millennium. The satellites have given a boost to the space programmes for peaceful productive purposes making India an important member of the club of progressive countries.

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Short Essay on Gene Therapy

Short Essay on Gene Therapy


With the interpretation of genetic code in 1968 by Hargobind Khorana an Indian born American scientist, for which he receive Nobel prize mere hopes were changed into real approach to gene therapy. The concept of heredity factors in all biological species came from Australian Botanist Gregor Johan Mendel in eighteen eighties. The name gene was given to these factors by Wilhelm Johannesen a Danish biologist. Later research in the field established that genes have many functions. An important one is the formation of large number of proteins. The genes, the scientists say, mastermind the whole process of life in all living creatures. Still it remained a mystery till 1953 when J.D. Watson and Francis Crick discovered the structure of Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). DNA is a complex nucleoprotein. It contains body’s 50,000 to 100,000 genes. These genes are arranged in a pattern that is unique to each individual. It is this peculiarity that makes every individual different from the other.

Short Essay on Gene Therapy
Gene Therapy

Different genes in different parts of the body have different functions. The gene for a particular purpose is placed at a particular location in the chromosomes. Moreover, the genes play an important role of manufacturing thousands of different proteins from 20 amino acids. The genes, thus govern the immune system too, one can just guess how many problems can be created in the body if any particular gene is broken, is diseased or is removed. Treating, slicing, removing and transplanting the genes is known as Genetic Engineering.

It was formerly a part of science fiction. But with a successful experiment on a four year old girl at National Institute of Health, Bethseda in USA the decoding of the mystery of genes began on September 14,1990. The girl was born with no natural protection against disease as her immune system lacked a particular gene responsible for it. Her blood cell was taken and altered to contain the particular gene, was multiplied and she was injected with one billion of her own blood cells. In another case the doctors altered genes to counteract an affected evil tumor. It is a fatal disease. A cell known as tumor infiltrating lymphocytes was removed and a gene that manufactures a cancer fighter was inserted in it. These cells were reproduced by millions and injected into the patient. The results have been very encouraging.

Researches in different countries in the world have estimated that there are about four thousand disorders because of defects in genes. These may be at the time of birth or may develop in later years. If the researches continue with the same spirit and enthusiasm it is a question of a few decades that Genetic Engineering will replace the conventional treatments in the medical world for the cure of a large number of diseases. John Sulston a lead British Scientist, according to a report of June 21, 2000 has claimed that Human Genome Project provides researchers 97 per cent of the human genetic code. Hundreds of scientists from the USA , Britain, France, Germany, Japan and China are working on the project.

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ELECTRICITY IN THE SERVICE OF MAN One just can’t think of a world without electricity. It changes night into day in metropolitan cities in India and even small towns in the USA. We have multistoried buildings for officers and residence where electric light, heating system and cooling plants work day and night. It is only … Read more


ESSAY ON DENATIONALIZATION OR PRIVATIZATION The myth of socialist economy of nationalization has been exploded. Some of the critics of nationalization called it state capitalism. But by the end of 1990 it was realized by the people of East European countries which were the breeding ground of communism that it was a hand maid of … Read more

Speech Topics on Benefits and Problems of DAMS

DAMS – THE LIFE LINE OF A COUNTRY Water management is essential not only for the development but for the very existence of the people. It is because of non realization of this that in many developing countries floods and drought go side by side. In the year 2000 in certain areas of Gujarat water … Read more