Discussion Topics – Brain Drain from India

Brain drain is a global phenomenon that refers to flow of human resource in bulk from one country to another. With the beginning of globalization, ideas, opinions, skill in the form of labor started being exchanged between nations. India has been undergoing large amount of this outflow of its human capital and talent in the past few decades. The human capital in terms of skill, ideas, labor and intelligence is being transferred to countries abroad from India since ages. Today, Indians constitute majority of large organizations like NASA, California Laboratory etc. There are many Indians at high posts in global firms and companies. Indians constitute most of the highest brains in the world. There are many reasons for which we have been seeing this trend. Brain drain is thus a phenomenon which can be a loss to our country if not regulated.

Many factors account for the drain of the human resource. One of the most important factors is the work culture and professional atmosphere abroad. Many social evils like discrimination, workspace assaults, gender based reservation and social bias make the atmosphere unfriendly for work. Moreover, Corruption makes the work spaces unfriendly for many. There have been cases where undeserving people are preferred over more deserving and talented people for incentives, perks and bonuses. Also, the lifestyle and the social life seem to be better to many young professionals. The professional and social life, both seem to be rewarding. Growth opportunities are vast. Talent and capability is often rewarded with huge bonuses. Studies say that Indians are one of the most hard-working, dedicated and sincere. This accounts for one of the reasons there is a huge demand for them in the foreign work culture. Many scientific, technological or business ideas and inventions have had an Indian origin and have been accredited abroad.

Though this brain drain might have benefitted individuals, it has also made communities suffer racial discrimination in some countries. The countries abroad even miss a cultural richness and a sense of belongingness that is attached to ones’ native country. As a result, people working and settled abroad often miss out on social gatherings and festivals celebrated in their home country. They even lack a sentiment that is attached to our native country.

Today, the Government and private firms are aiming towards a better and friendlier atmosphere to create better conditions for their employees. Discrimination and bias at work places are tried to eliminate by making laws and implementing them. Incentives are given to stop youngsters from going abroad in search of work. Today, people from countries like the USA, the UK etc. come to India for higher studies and then work. Thus, we see a reversal in the trend of brain drain gradually. Thus, if a balance is maintained between nations and a healthy interaction is created, we shall definitely reap the benefits of this aspect of globalization.

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Speech Topics

Drugs are basically organic or inorganic chemicals. There are various families of drugs either obtained naturally or synthesized in the lab for various purposes. There are medicinal drugs which are prescribed in definite dosages for various ailments or other medical reasons. There are non-medicinal drugs too which are consumed by some people for temporary relief from depression or other nervous tensions. These drugs if consumed in excess tend to damage our nervous system and hinder the functioning of our other body parts.Speech Topics

Drug addiction starts as a one-time indulgement. The person who starts taking drugs as a habit soon gets addicted to them. Drugs definitely relieve a person off his troubles temporarily but cause long-term malfunctioning. Drug addicts turn irresponsible and lose all senses when under the effect of drugs. They lose control over themselves and can’t manage to stand straight themselves. Their body goes weak and fall ill. They lose their sense of hunger and live on drugs. They reach a height of desperation where they can go to any extent to procure drugs. They lose their morality and cannot understand how to react to situations. They lose the sense of stimuli and their life deteriorates to such a level that they stop thinking about other aspects of their lives. They spend huge amounts of money on drugs. They start resorting to inhuman methods for procuring money to buy drugs. Some of them turn criminals and can get down to killing people for drugs. They lose respect and love from the people around them. Their way of living turns pitiable. Drug addiction is an evil that deteriorates a person physically, mentally, emotionally and socially. It is not easy to get rid of it but with support and self-determination, it can be possible.

There are many rehabilitation centres all over the country where drug addicts are brought and they are helped to get rid of their addiction gradually. They are reconstructed and are taught to live a healthy life yet again. Physical and mental exercises help a victim return to a healthier way of living only if he really wants to get rid of the addiction. Determination and strength is required to combat the problem. A recreational activity or a hobby can help them channelize their energy and time in a productive way thus keeping them busy. A strong will-power is required so that they do not returns to drugs and other such addictions.

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Unemployment and Underemployment

Speech topics

The importance of literacy has been recognized both by the government and the people. People are the wealth of a country but the illiterate people are a burden to the country. Though it is the illiterate who are mostly unemployed, thousands of well educated young men and women roam from pillar to post seeking a good job. Education is the passport to a job but this is proving false nowadays. The unemployment problem grows more and more severe each year. The jobs available are quite disproportionate to the large number of educated youths seeking employment.Speech topics

Underemployment is as serious a problem as unemployment. It is not very sad that a B.E graduate works in an office as a clerk? He should have a job and the post to which he is appointed is an underestimation of his educational qualification. He should get a monthly salary and when no good job is available to him despite his best efforts he has to reconcile himself with what he gets.

When India attained independence fifty percent of the people were below the poverty line. With the increasing unemployment problem there is increasing poverty. More and more educational institutions, especially medical and engineering colleges are spring up. Every year a relatively a large number of students pass out from these institutions. But providing suitable job positions for most of them is very difficult. When failing to secure a good job many start small businesses. How many have achieved success in business enterprise?

In the rural areas the unemployment problem is acute. Agriculturists who form the majority of the population of villages have employment only during a particular season. They have only seasonal employment and they idle away their time during the time when they have no work. They are left without any income and depend largely on their parents for their food and clothes.

In the urban areas even able-bodied youths take up jobs like selling snacks, vegetables or flower. Many of them say that they want to be independent by doing petty business. They seek freedom but they do not want to be in a good job. They are forced to be contented with their low income. The story of these youths is an instance of underemployment. As already mentioned wealth of a nation is its people and each citizen of a nation should earn well to make up for its gross wealth. The employment of a greater number of people will increase the per capita income of the people.

India is a land of villages and the nation’s poor economic status is largely accountable for the poor economic status of the rural areas. There is a great divide between the urban and rural areas and therefore there is a great disparity in the life-style and economic status between the urban and rural areas. The urban areas should create more avenues of employment for the poor village folk. The literacy concept should be well embedded in the minds of the rural people. The time has come when no longer the rural people can live segregated without the benefits of education and without being well employed. It is not possible by everybody in the village to depend on agricultural income alone. While agriculture is the mainstay of the villagers the second and third generation people of a village family can seek jobs in the urban areas to great extent.

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Essay topics

Music is an art form which is widely recognized and appreciated all over the world irrespective of the region. It forms an integral part of all cultures and civilizations. It has now transformed into an industry because many people earn their livelihoods through music. Music thus has a social value attached to it and also has a cultural and economic significance. The history of music is interesting and vivid. Though there is no specific origin of this art form, but still it was introduced to the humans long ago.

Essay topics

Music was basically a luxury once only enjoyed by the royalties. In many places, people engaged in making music had to face social stigma as it was considered to be a thing of shame. Many other civilizations promoted music as an act of religious importance and the people related to music were held in high pristine. Thus, we see that music was welcomed with mixed responses. With the promotion of this art form all over the world, the tastes and the opinions of the people changed gradually and it gained appreciation all over the world. Music includes both vocal music and instrumental. There are many types of music indigenous to many regions and cultures. From western English music to African and Arabian music to the various genres of Indian music, there is a wide range to suit all tastes.

Today music plays an important role in our lives. It is a mode of recreation, an art industry, means of expression and also a matter of pride for many societies. Playing an instrument, be it the guitar or the table is one of the most pursued recreational activity. It not only helps us use our time effectively but is an efficient stress buster. Musicians and bands all over the world create and edit music and promote it to earn appreciation and their livelihoods. They even intend to express their opinions and emotions about issues close to them through music. Michael Jackson was one such legendary singer who voiced his views through music. Many societies also attach their cultural sentiments to their own music and is thus of great significance to them.

Many Indian societies consider music to be a form of worship. Thus, music is widely recognized and respected these days. But, music is being commercialized these days. A lot of money is minted through the music industry. This should not affect the quality of the music. Music is also a subject of study these days. Thus, we can conclude that music is truly important for each one of us.

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essay topics

Out of all the countries we see on the globe, India boasts of the most diverse and vivid culture and heritage. The India subcontinent is an abode to numerous civilizations each with a different and captivating history. India is known for its cultural richness and thus attracts many scholars from all over the world to study the diversity of our nation.

The cultural diversity is reflected in the food, art forms and lifestyles of people all over the country. Each region has its own cuisine and art forms which are known worldwide.While Kashmir boasts of rich spicy food and mesmerizing natural beauty of the hills and valleys; Kerala attracts people from all over the world because of its beautiful beaches, backwaters and traditional food served on banana leaves. While the seven sisters viz. the north eastern states are known for their spices, tea and crafts, Rajasthan boasts of a colorful desert life and culture. Thus we see a wide range of vivid cultures as we roam around in the country.essay topics

The reason behind such a diverse ethnicity and culture in India dates back to its histories and beginning of civilization. From the Indus valley civilization in Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro, to the great Mughal rule in India, we have retained a part of all these cultures which accounts for the mixed traditions, languages, life styles, cultures and societies in India. Moreover, the people from the western countries who ruled over parts of India, left behind a part of their ethnicity which were adopted by us and thus became a part of our culture as well. Also, many people had come to our nation for different purposes from all over the world, and settled down here. Generations after generations the traditions have been inherited and have become an integral part of the Indian multiculturalism. Today we boast of about different languages and dialects all over the country. Each region has its own ancient literature, art forms, industries and traditions which are related to their origin. Various literature texts and scriptures are found all over the country in various scripts which are an evidence of the diverse history India has had. Another facet in which this aspect of India is reflected is its ancient architecture and monuments. India is a land of temples and forts and amazing architecture. From the magnificent Taj Mahal in Agra built by Shah Jahan to the beautiful temples of Madurai, each of the monuments have a different captivating story behind it which adds to the beauty of these monuments.

The heritage of India is not only an attraction to tourists but also scholars and archaeologists from all over the world who come to study the beauty of diversity in our country.

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speech topics

Discrimination on the basis of gender has been an age-old social evil in our country. It is one vice of our society that has changed forms but has remained in all walks of life. There is a prejudice against women and they are often deprived of advantages which are provided to the males. Ours is a patriarchal society which follows the principle of favoring men over women everywhere irrespective of circumstances.

Since the beginning of human civilization in India, women have been considered to be the weaker section of the society and were never given a chance to grow and develop. Discrimination in its extreme form was seen in the form of Sati-Pratha where the wife was supposed to burn herself in the funeral pyre of her husband. A man was never asked to do so for his wife. Widows were boycotted and their presence was considered inauspicious. Women would have to face extreme domestic discrimination. They would not be allowed to study or work like the male of the house would. They would stay in their houses all day long doing domestic chores. They did not enjoy any recreational activity and lived a miserable life. With time, as the country opened up to the world, a lot changed and improved for women. Reformers like Vivekananda took initiatives for the betterment of women. They enjoyed the right to education and could now express themselves on the social front. Women started working to earn their livelihood and started to match up with their male counterparts.speech topics

As time went by, women started reaching up to almost all walks of life and started filling up male dominated jobs like the army and other defense services. Women have even performed better than males in many walks of life. We see women as heads of big organizations. Today though they have reached great heights academically and socially, they still have to be subject to discrimination on the professional front. The pay scale and benefits given to males for a particular job is often higher than that given to women for the same work. Crime rates of sexual harassment in the society or at the work place are still high. Moreover, many rural parts have still not opened up to the idea of gender equality.

The main reasons for this gender bias are illiteracy and social backwardness. Poverty has forced many people not to provide benefits to the females in the family. Women thus have to face a social stigma in some form or the other.

Many reforms and laws have made conditions better for women. The government has strived to reserve seats for girls and women in the academic, professional and administrative fields. Helplines are opened for the safety and security of women. Stronger reforms are needed to help women walk with their heads high in the society.

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Essay topics

Corruption is the most deadly social evil persisting in the Indian society at almost all bureaucratic, administrative and official levels. It forms a vicious cycle of darkness around the common man who does not hold any authority or power in the society. Corruption has hollowed our society so far and if not curbed, it shall take our country to all-time lows.Essay topics

Corruption is basically the use of immoral and unethical practices for selfish reasons. Corrupt people can go to any extent and sacrifice their principles to get their job done or for personal gains. Many officials have been caught deceiving people and asking for huge amounts of money for simple jobs. Many public servants who are supposed to serve the society often are responsible for insecurities among the masses. Corruption has even lead to hindrance in the growth and development of our society because many facilities and laws framed for our welfare are not implemented owing to high levels of corruption in our society. Corruption is seen as a direct reason of high rate of unemployment, illiteracy and poverty worldwide.  Lack of proper health facilities, dearth of basic amenities like electricity and communication services and ill maintenance of social and national infrastructure is largely because the funds diverted for these purposes are taken by corrupt officials. Many laws that have been framed are still on paper and have not been implemented successfully because of corruption. Corruption not just leads to shortage of services and goods, but also degraded quality of the services and commodities available to us. Many cases of adulteration in food products, cheap quality electrical devices have been reported and observed which is nothing but a result of corruption and dishonesty.

Corruption is a result of improper governance and inefficient administration in public and private organizations. There is a lack of transparency for the masses to view the functioning of these organizations. Despite the RTI act, corruption manages to creep into our society. Illiteracy among the masses enables the officials to cheat on them. High rates of corruption are due to poverty and desperation to get employed for many who agree to work for anything to earn a meager amount.

Corruption needs to be curbed before it damages our society. The need of the hour is that the highest officials should be honest and should supervise the functioning of the divisions below them. The masses should be made aware of their rights and they should take proper care to check the services provided to them. Dirty politics or dishonesty should be eliminated. A sincere effort is thus required to correct our society.

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essay topics

essay topics

Textbooks define natural resources as the resources which exist naturally on earth. Forests, fuel reserves, soil, water; all these are categorized as natural resources. Natural resources are also called natural wealth or the gift of nature for the simple reason that humans and all other organisms depend on these natural resources directly or indirectly for their survival and existence.speech topics

Air and water are necessary for all living organisms and form the basic principle of existence of life on earth. Water is also required for various industrial and domestic needs of human beings which are increasing with the growing population. Soil or land is required for producing food and shelter by animals and plants.  Forests or trees are beneficial in many ways. From wood, to medicines, to paper, to almost every other essential commodity; trees provide us with all. Fuel reserves are required for almost all domestic and industrial purposes. Thus, we see that our existence is impossible without these natural resources.

What is of great concern is that due to the ever growing demands, humans are exploiting these natural resources ruthlessly which risks our existence. We are using these resources to such an extent for our demands which leads to exhausting of these resource reserves and consequent depletion of the quality. Thus earth shall soon reach the brink of irreparable damage. It leads to great environmental concerns like pollution, global warming and consequent effects like disturbance in water levels, critical damage to the earth. This creates the need to conserve the natural resources.essay writing topics

We can do that in a number of ways. Water needs to be conserved as the potable water levels have come down. We can limit the water use at domestic levels. We can recycle water and reuse it wherever possible. We should prevent pollution of water sources. Forests are being exploited ruthlessly. So we should prevent deforestation and find alternative measures for meeting all needs. Alternative resources like solar power, wind energy, synthesized materials etc. help us meet our demands in a sustainable way. Sustainable Development ensures meeting present human needs taking care of the environmental balance and future requirements. Nowadays, the concept of Green Technology is introduced to take care of advancement with natural preservation. Thus, all such measures can help us conserve the natural resources effectively.

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essay topics

Technology is a term coined for defining all applications of science and knowledge to practical life. From the invention of wheel and fire to the manufacture of new big machines; everything is a contribution of technological inventions and advancements. Man, being the most intelligent animal keeps searching for new possibilities of scientific discoveries and keeps applying them to his life thus advancing with time.essay topics

Technology has made human survival much more convenient and simple and has added many luxuries to our lives. It has made many things possible which could not even be imagined once upon a time. It has made round-the-earth sea voyages possible and has even helped man to reach out to the most distant celestial bodies of the universe. It has also made producing tons of goods in a very less time possible. Almost every other thing we do or use in our day is a technological contribution. We can say that if we remove technology from our lives, we may have to live like other animals roaming around on the earth.debate topics

On one hand if technology has made our existence simpler, it has also added a lot of disadvantages to it. Due to the numerous luxuries and comforts it has provided us, it has made us completely dependent on machines and has made our lives sedentary and unhealthy. Since all the work can now be done on the press of a button or sometimes even by verbal commands to machines, man has stopped working mechanically and relies on machines for the simplest errands. This has led to many diseases like obesity, diabetes, lethargy, fatigue and much more. Man has become a slave of machines and the time is not far when machines shall start ruling over humans.

We call this era to be the machine age because of the miraculous machines that have been invented and are being used. But we should not depend on them completely as this is known that machines and scientific advancements are a product of human intelligence and we should not let that overtake us completely as it tends to deteriorate the quality of our lives if not used judiciously and wisely.

Technology is definitely an asset if used wisely and sustainably keeping in mind the quality of our lives. It is upon us if we use it as a boon or a bane.

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Use and Misuse of Cellular Phones

Public speech Topics on the impacts of mobile phones

Public speech Topics on the impacts of mobile phones

For some people at least some cell phones are an essential convenience of modern life; for other are irritating contraptions that should be banned from public places. A mobile phone is an electronic telecommunication device with the same basic capacity as a conventional fixed line telephone, which is portable and not required to be connected with a wire to the telephone network. A wireless radio wave transmission technology is used. In addition to the standard voice function of a telephone, a mobile phone can support many additional services such as SMS for text messaging, packet switching for access to the internet, and MMS for sending and receiving photos and videos. In less than twenty years mobile phones have gone from being rare and expensive pieces of equipment by to an all pervasive low-cost personal item. In many countries, where there is little existing fixed line infrastructure, the mobile phones has become widespread. Essay topic on the use and misuse of mobile phones

These days a mobile culture has evolved. Many people keep in touch using SMS. The commercial market in SMSs is growing. Many phones even offer Instant Messenger services to increase the simplicity and ease of texting on phones. People have made mobile phones into status symbols instead of necessity, especially young boys and girls. This has given rise to an increase in criminal and unethical activities. Essay writing Topics

Mobile phone etiquette has become an important issue with mobiles ranging at funerals, weddings, movies and plays. Users often speak at increased volume, with little regard for other people nearby. It has become common practice for places like book shops, libraries, movie theatres and places of worship to post signs prohibiting the use of mobile phones. Sometimes even installing jamming equipments to prevent them. As with many new technologies concern has arisen about the effects on health from using a mobile phone. There is a small amount of scientific evidence for an increase of certain types of rare tumours (cancer) in long-time, to persistent heavy users. More recently, a study provided significant evidence of genetic damage under certain conditions. Some researchers also report that the mobile phone industry has interfered with further research on health risks.debate topics on the use of mobile phones

Another controversial but more lethal concern is the correlation with road traffic incidents. Several studies have shown that motorists have a much higher risk of collisions and losing control of the vehicles while talking on the mobile phones. Accidents involving a driver being distracted by talking on the mobile phone are being prosecuted as negligence similar to driving while intoxicated. In some countries, such as Japan, Singapore, United Kingdom and France, as well as several states in the United States, driving while using a mobile phone is illegal.

Despite the misuse of cell phones, one cannot undetermined the use of mobile phones. They are once easily available help in case of emergency. And it is great source of entertainment. If used judiciously, wisely and with observance of public etiquettes, mobiles could be of great use. Mobile technology is very much here and it is here to stay for long.

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The Influence of Television on youth

Essay topics

The influence of TV on the life of today’s youth is unbeatable. The variety of programs being telecast is it regional or international is mind boggling. Television is an extraordinary medium that brings the entire world into your living room. Its accessibility makes it more powerful-it is there at the touch of a button. It is a 24/7 medium. Its visual impact leaves a lasting impression on the young minds which are susceptible. TV is the windows to their world since magazines or cinema certainly do not exert the same impact as TV on them.Essay topics

The content of TV programs leaves a lot to be desired. Hence to expect it to instill moral, ethical or positive values is asking for too much. It is appalling to note that even gruesome scenes do not elicit much of a response from the young viewers whose mind seems to be attuned to it; having had an overdose of it. Their way of dressing, eating, conversing and even the music they listen to is largely influenced by the English serials and sitcoms and music channels they tend to watch.

Essay writing TopicsThere is an overdose of violence, sex and glorification of things that appeal to the youth. The content of violence can be influenced by the children and as well as the youth. And there is a tendency to imitate by both the youth and children, what they have seen in the cinemas. And they must try to do in real in some situations of life from the false knowledge by cinemas. And there should be a tendency to grow the intrusion in the society also a problem. The effect of serials made the youth to become addicted to the TV. And the overdoses of the sex in some channels like fashion channels must affect badly in the youth. At times it is also due to a false sense of moving ahead with the times that makes them follow this culture.

Sports and news programs however do not corrupt the mind. But too much of sports is definitely harmful. TV viewing in excess making many among the youth of today into couch potatoes.

Parent restrictions on TV viewing by children have brought out little outcome as anything on which sometime some kind of strict control is imposed is liable to set in a negative impact. It is the responsibility of the grown up in the household to generate a sense of discretion in TV viewing to be selective in watching programs brought out by various channel operators.

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