Christmas is the most important and wonderful festival of Christians. It is a festival of joy for all. It is celebrated with great pomp and show.

This festival is celebrated on 25th December of every year to mark the birth anniversary of Christ, the Messiah; Christians believe that God has sent Christ, his son to save humanity from the sin. Christians possess immense faith of Christ as saviour of the mankind- and so they perform his birthday-as Christmas or X-mas festival.

Preparation on large scale and in a great way is made many weeks earlier to the festival. Whitewashing, cleaning of the houses and their churches commence as a part of the celebration. Decoration of walls with pictures, photos, wall paintings artificial flower decoration is and other phase of festive frenzy.

Shops and bazaars are decorated well and in an attractive way to arrest the attention of customers with Christmas gifts, greeting cards, cakes and confectionery items.

Christmas tree is set up in front of every house. The tree is usually a fir branch loaded with Christmas gifts and gauds. This twig of fir was fully decorated with candles or electric bulbs and many other items of show and beauty, glistens brilliantly in the night.

In the night all the members of the family join together to sing songs, hymns and prayers in praise God for his love and mercy. For sending his son Christ on to the earth to bear and remove all the sins and sufferings of mankind. There are special prayers and services in the Churches. All the people exchange Christmas greetings and present gifts to their friends and relatives.

Big feast is arranged in the family. Christmas cakes are important in the feast. The fun and pleasure of the festival goes till the night. At night, in all the houses, light fireworks. Then the festival comes to a midst of joy and merry making.