Consumer means any person who (1) Buys any goods for consideration which has been paid or promised or partly paid etc. (2) hires any services for a consideration which has been paid or promised or partly paid etc.

“Every person is a-consumer at any moment in some way or other”, i.e. every person is a consumer since birth and by birth.

Molony committee on Consumer’s Protection defined ‘Consumer-any person who buys any goods for personal use or takes on hire’. Later on this definition was modified which included telephone consumer, electronic consumer, tenant, patents, and insurance policy holders in the list of consumer in the consumer protection Act 1986.

Consumer protection Act protect consumers rights as follows

  1. The right to be protected against the marketing of goods which are hazardous to life and property.
  2. The right to be informed about quality, quantity,
    potency, purity, standard and price of goods so as to protect the consumer against unfair trade practices.
  3. The right to be assured wherever possible, access to a variety at competitive prices.
  4. The right to be heard and to be assured that consumers interest will receive due consideration at appropriate forum.
  5. The right to seek redressal against unfair trade practices or unscrupulous exploitation of
  6. Right to consumer education.

Before the enactment of Consumer Protection Act 1986 all the laws in this regard where prohibitionary and punishable but on the other hand this act 1986 and M.P. consumer protection Rules are probationary, cognizable and compensatory.

The aims of this act are to safeguard consumer’s rights enumerated above. The purpose of the provision according to this act and rules is also safeguard the consumer against cheating and against the supply of any goods which is below the standard quality, quantity, purity and potency. So far as provisions under this act are concerned they can protect the rights of consumers. But unfortunately the consumers are unaware of these provisions so they fail to avail the protection guaranteed through this act.

It is true that the consumers can go to court of low to be protected against mal-practices businessman or institutions whether public or private. But owing to lack of consumer education, consumers are not aware of their rights and provisions under this act to safeguard their rights by complaining before the competent authorities for the re resale of their compliments.

Despite all the provisions of this consumer protection act consumers find the insoles helpless. They are cheated anywhere in buying consumer goods or getting service. Six years has gone by since the enactment of this law, even then the right implementation of this law is not alone. Therefore, what is urgently needed into mobilize the implementation of this law in courts. Consumer protection committees must be organized. Consumer education should be imparted to all through Radio, TV, Newspaper and schools and colleges.

This will increase the awareness among consumers. They will fight for their consumer rights. The disputes in this regard are decided efficiently and quickly. It done so, the consumer’s protection act will be successful to protecting consumer’s rights.