Corruption, these days, is a very common and frequently used word. Even children are well aware of the word. Corruption is prevalent in the society at each facet of life. It is the gift of the modern society and has been accepted by all.
It is true that no one likes to live in a world of corruption, but the society has become too much corrupt that there is no escape from it. There is no department or aspect of life that is devoid of corruption or corrupt practices. Most of the government, semi-government, and private organization are inefficient and corrupt.
Previously people were afraid or ashamed of following corrupt practices. Now it is a part of life and accepted by most of people. One is very fortunate if he can his legitimate work done without resorting to corrupt practices. He has to persuade or bribe the man concerned. No work can be undertaken without adopting backdoor and corrupt practices.
At times, the government announces it wish to curb malpractices and corruption from the society. Initially there can be some success, but later the corrupt practices prevail. The entire society is fully aware of corruption and is weak and the implementation o government laws are defective. Most people do not wait to get a work done. Instead of wasting time and energy, they adopt corrupt methods for having the work done hence it is called speed money.
Corruption eats into the society and ultimately ruins the economy. Besides the society, the nation gets weaker and weaker. A corrupt society neither has morality. It has the dangers of internal weakness and external aggression. Sincere efforts are to be made to root out corruption from the government administration an society.