Einstein had very definitely defined the hazards of nuclear war when he said that the fourth world war will be fought with the help of stones. Looking at the nuclear proliferation surrounding us today, his words seem to be true. An arms race is not only between the two big powers of the world but also among developing countries. Where will this lead us to a destroyed civilization and a mutilated human race? A devastated population and a total chaos and pathos everywhere.
Dangers of the nuclear weapon may be clearly perceived by the tragic experience of the two Japanese cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima way back in 1945. The biggest hazard of nuclear weapons is that of radioactive radiation. When an atom bomb blasts, minute particles of carbon and fission fragments are sucked by the upper colder air and they condense to return in the form of heavy, oily, black downpour. Apart from the masses killed, the surviving suffers from strange lesions incurable skin diseases and many forms of malignancies including leukemia. The infants in wombs undergo mutational, and growth disorder and are retarded a mentally and physically.
Apart from this the economic loss suffered by the nations involved is great. For countries like India, nuclear proliferation has proved very expensive, achieved at the cost of nation’s economy. And after war, the recovery cost is also considerable. To avoid this entire former US president Reagan had okayed the making of nuclear bomb with a lot of radiation and less of blast and heat so that the living Skilled, leaving the surroundings intact.
So as George Washington said long back, the best guarantee to peace is to prepare for war. The two big towers are competing madly to be one up on the other in nuclear race. May be it is the only solution for the world peace with talks of disarmament and arms limitations failing miserably may be this is the solution to save as from a nuclear holocaust.