Proverb Expansion
Reading is the best recreation to the mind. Happy is the man who has the habit of reading. He has secured a life-long source of pleasure, instruction and inspiration. So long as he has the company of books, he never feels lonely. He has always a pleasant use of his leisure. He is the possessor of a wealth more precious than gold. Poor indeed is the man who doesn’t cultivate the habit of reading, and empty is his life. Reading lifts us out of our worries and fears and gives us good recreation. Regular exercise is needed to build up healthy body. The same is the case with the mind. The best exercise to the mind is reading. If body-building requires daily exercise, training of the mind requires regular reading. When we read the masterpieces by great authors, our thinking widens and we acquire a lot of knowledge. Light reading and serious reading are essential. Reading gives to the mind a new ideas, new thoughts, new knowledge, and above all, happiness. Reading makes a full man. For the proper growth and training of one’s mind, reading is very important.