Proverb Expansion
The familiar and usual way to reach our home may be long. It may take some time for us to reach home by that way. Even if it is time-consuming, we may be able to reach home without any danger. At the same time, there may be short-cuts are full of hidden dangers. We may not be able to reach home as we expect by taking a short-cut. It may take more time and energy than the familiar longest way. It is natural for people to take short-cuts to get quick success. But short-cuts often land us in difficulties. It is better to follow the familiar and usual order of doing things than to adopt an unfamiliar method that seems to be easier, in order to save time and effort. A person who chooses a short-cut to a place may come across a ferry where the ferryman is on the other side of the river, or a level crossing where the gate remains closed. He may fall down on the unfamiliar muddy ground. In the meantime, the person who started with him and chose the longest way round might have reached the place. People often do things in a hurry to save time. But, soon they realize that their hurry has landed them in trouble. Short-cuts will not lead us to success. It is only by going through the hardships and difficulties of life that one can reach the heights of success.