Proverb Expansion
This is a statement with reason and logic behind it. There cannot be any smoke without some fire. Similarly, there must be some cause for an action ground for a reaction and also for its effect and outcome. The outcome follows as a result of the occurrence of the cause. It can be seen in all aspects of life. All quarrels and disputes originate from some cause on the part of someone and then that cause leads to some consequences, good or bad. The great revolutions of the world occurred owing to some specific causes. The root causes of the French Revolution and the Russian Revolution were inequality and poverty. Communism and socialism emerged in history because of the exploitation of the labourers by the capitalists. This is true in science also when it asserts that every action has some reaction or that every cause has some effect. It is also true in law when it prescribes that for every crime thee must be some motive behind it. It is equally true in history because every epoch is regarded as a reaction to the past age. Hence, the statement is logical and apt.