Proverb Expansion
Life on this earth is a struggle for existence. We have to face innumerable difficulties in life. When one problem is solved, another one appears. We should not get disappointed in such a situation. It is how we face each problem that counts. An optimist will find consolation and solution to any difficult problem. He does not lose his presence of mind in any adverse situation. But a pessimist approaches problems in a different way. He gets dejected and thinks that all the doors are shut to him. He also feels that all are against him and they all hate him. As a result, he does not succeed in life normally. An optimist wins always because he is sure of himself. When one door is shut to him, he will console himself by saying that another one will opened for him. He tries hard and will find a solution to any difficult situation. The proverb also conveys the message that God loves all and will not discard any. He will always help us in any adverse situation to find a way out. So, trust in God and work hard to achieve success in life.