Modern life is a very complex one. So man has discovered many means to survive. There are many manufactures that produce essential goods. So it become necessary for them to keep the purchaser well informs. These makers do it through advertisement. It is a modern art to reach the prospective buyers. Today advertisement plays a vital role in our daily life. This art is based on the principle of human psychology. Needs and wants are the guiding factors. So, the businessmen adopt such methods in order to attract the customers to his product. The advertiser also tries to create demand for the products there exists none. Actually what we see is that good advertisements are the matured and ripe fruits of some clever thinking done by very sound and crafty brains. If the articles are advertised again and again in the catching and tasteful manner, it becomes very difficult to check temptation to buy it.
There are many uses or advantages of advertisement. It is a very effective means of publicity and propaganda; we can get all the necessary information needed by us from the advertisement column of a newspaper. Advertisement can be done through many agencies. News paper is one of them. Other means are Radio, T.V. and hand bills. Another very important use of advertisement is that it helps in stabilizing production, keeping the standard of quality and preventing the fluctuation in prices. It has also helped in promoting trade and in creating demand. It has become a necessity in the age of science and technology.
But there is another side of it also. Some crafty people try to cheat the purchaser through media. It rather becomes very difficult for a purchaser to discriminate between the genuine and spurious goods. It is a pity that in such a case the general public has to suffer even then nobody can deny the usefulness of this media. Some common medicines have become a house hold name through advertisement alone. Hence it becomes essential for the Govt, to keep an eye on this powerful media so that undue abuse may not be presented by undesirable tradesman.