Sunrise is one of the most beautiful sights. This is the time when mountains-tops, trees, tempest and cottages are bathed in golden lights. A gentle breeze blows and brings peace to the human soul. Small dew drops on petals and leaves look like precious pearls.

A walk at this time is very beneficial for a long and healthy life. It is extremely refreshing. It is beneficial not only for the body but also for the mid. The fresh morning breeze drives away all cares and worries. The trees look fresh and beautiful. The grass is beautiful and green. The air is laden with rich fragrance of flowers. Sparrows chirp and bee flit from flower to flower, gathering and sipping honey.

Many people visit gardens and do exercise, some sit quietly under a tree, some jog and some regulars run to keep it. Farmers drive his oxen to field and shepherd boy takes the flock of sheep and goats out. Women carry loads of vegetables to the market, to sell. Milkmen carry their pails of milk on their heads and fishermen with their nets walk to the river.

Such are the sights one encounters during a morning walk.