India is a land or a variety of races, religion and languages. Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Buddhists, Jains, Parses, etc are here. But each community appreciate and love every other community. There are various linguistic groups speaking different languages such as Hindi, Gujarati, Punjabi, Malayalam, Oriya, Assamee, Urdu, Bengali, etc. Each linguistic group respects the language of every other group. Therefore, the Indians have developed into one nation by the influence of common territory, common history and common fight for freedom against foreign rules. Whenever India faces threat or some major calamity happens, Indians all stand together with a sense of emotional oneness to fight against evil forces and unnatural situation. These are the different aspects of national integration.
National integration is an optimistic aspect. It is a feeling of unity in diversity. It is a crying need of the day in India. It reduces socio-cultural and economic differences of inequalities and strengthens national unity and harmony, which is not imposed by any power. The strong unity bond in the national integration enables us to love together peacefully, identifying ourselves as Indians. In short, it is this feeling of oneness that constitutes the very basis of national integration.
There are different factors that make certain national integration in India. Territorial continuity, constitution, cultural unity, common economic problems, art, literature, national festivals, national emblem, national anthem, national flag, etc are some of them. They help Indians to love together peacefully, identifying themselves as Indians. It is this feeling of oneness that constitutes the very base of national integration.