Essay Topics on GOOD MANNERS


If a man is a bundle of habits, a gentle man is a bundle of manners. As in the Middle Ages in Europe, the highest glory of man was to call himself a Christian. So in the twentieth century the highest tribute that can be paid to a man is calling him a gentle man.

A man of good manners is an ornament, but a rude man is a plague to society. Manners are the ornaments of actions. They way of speaking a kind word or of doing a kind thing early enhances the value of manners.

Good manners have always been the hall-mark of noble souls. Christ washed the feet of his disciples and Krishna washed the feet of his Brahmin guests. George Washington took his hat off to a Negro who saluted him. A friend of him reprimanded him for showing so much regard to a Negro as to take his hat to him. But he replied that he could not allow a Negro to surpass him in good manners.

Good manners are indispensible to all. They are better possession than wealth, beauty or talent. Civility of speech and action is the only thing required of man. A French woman went to the length of saying that she could not tolerate a breach of good manner; through she could never be put by insults. Thus civility and courteous, soon loses his customers. A public officer who is not courteous, soon become unpopular. If a lawyer wishes to succeed at the bar, he must be courteous to his clients; if a professor likes to be popular, he must deal with his students in a courteous manner. If a principal wishes to manage his staff satisfactorily he must not forget to be courteous to them. A salesman requires it most if he wishes to dispose of his goods; a student requires it if he desires to be respected by his class-fellow; and a master needs it if he wants his servants to work for him and hold him in high esteem.