This is an old proverb which has a deep significance. It means that only a healthy man can enjoy the gifts of nature. An unhealthy man is rick of his life and has no interest in his work.
If we desire to enjoy the sweetness of life, we should do our best to preserve our health at any cost. A sound mind dwells only in a sound body.
It is generally seen that an unhealthy man cannot keep the balance of his mind. An unkind word is enough to provoke him. He feels insulted at the slightest joke. He remains alone and become unsocial.
Health is a blessing. It is the greatest gift of God. Regulated food is the first requisite for health. Our diet should be simple and wholesome. Green vegetables, milk and well cooked food should be consumed. Spices, fats and heavy food should be avoided as far as possible.
Physical exercise is also very important. We could have a good appetite if we get accustomed to exercises. Sometimes a long walk early morning is sufficient.
Students should take part in sports and games. A grown up man may keep himself fit by means of exercises of his choice and taste. Thus our body gets pure blood in abundance.
Self- control is also a must. If we waste our energy, we cannot become healthy.
The cause of bad health is anger, worry, jealous and greed. If we are subject to these vices, we can never be healthy. If we want to be healthy, we should have good ideas and loving thoughts.
If we desire to be healthy, we should practice the old rule of early to bed and early from bed. Good company and carefree life will help us, to be cheerful. Without health, there is no joy in life.