Corruption is the most deadly social evil persisting in the Indian society at almost all bureaucratic, administrative and official levels. It forms a vicious cycle of darkness around the common man who does not hold any authority or power in the society. Corruption has hollowed our society so far and if not curbed, it shall take our country to all-time lows.Essay topics

Corruption is basically the use of immoral and unethical practices for selfish reasons. Corrupt people can go to any extent and sacrifice their principles to get their job done or for personal gains. Many officials have been caught deceiving people and asking for huge amounts of money for simple jobs. Many public servants who are supposed to serve the society often are responsible for insecurities among the masses. Corruption has even lead to hindrance in the growth and development of our society because many facilities and laws framed for our welfare are not implemented owing to high levels of corruption in our society. Corruption is seen as a direct reason of high rate of unemployment, illiteracy and poverty worldwide.  Lack of proper health facilities, dearth of basic amenities like electricity and communication services and ill maintenance of social and national infrastructure is largely because the funds diverted for these purposes are taken by corrupt officials. Many laws that have been framed are still on paper and have not been implemented successfully because of corruption. Corruption not just leads to shortage of services and goods, but also degraded quality of the services and commodities available to us. Many cases of adulteration in food products, cheap quality electrical devices have been reported and observed which is nothing but a result of corruption and dishonesty.

Corruption is a result of improper governance and inefficient administration in public and private organizations. There is a lack of transparency for the masses to view the functioning of these organizations. Despite the RTI act, corruption manages to creep into our society. Illiteracy among the masses enables the officials to cheat on them. High rates of corruption are due to poverty and desperation to get employed for many who agree to work for anything to earn a meager amount.

Corruption needs to be curbed before it damages our society. The need of the hour is that the highest officials should be honest and should supervise the functioning of the divisions below them. The masses should be made aware of their rights and they should take proper care to check the services provided to them. Dirty politics or dishonesty should be eliminated. A sincere effort is thus required to correct our society.

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