Terrorism : A Threat to Society

Terrorism is one of the gravest problems that the society faces today. It is an issue of global concern. The presence of terrorism can be felt across the globe. It is, today, a much debated issue in all the countries of the world-developing or developed. Terrorism is not a new phenomenon. But over the years terrorism like other avenues of life, has undergone tremendous changes. It has now become more lethal, more widespread and more difficult to control. Today it stands as a serious challenge before the civil society.Speech Topics

Terrorism has its presence everywhere ranging from Indonesia. Malaysia to Sudan. Somalia, Egypt, Nigeria, Peru, Chile. America to Ireland. Almost all the countries are directly or indirectly facing the problem of terrorism. It has sprung up everywhere. Terrorists are the greatest enemies of the society because they undermine its stability by creating chaotic conditions leading to mass killing, damage and destruction. Generally public places like airports, railway stations etc are their targets, but sometimes they shift their focus to some soft targets like schools, hospitals, trains and buses where security is lax and security forces are not very vigilant.

Every country has defined terrorism in its own way as per its own suitability. There is no universally accepted definition of terrorism. In fact, terrorism is an unlawful use of violence or threat of violence aiming to inculcate fear among the masses. It is a philosophy of violence which terrorists use to destabilize the economy of a country. In modern times terrorism is being used to deliberately create communal tensions, and disrupt the peaceful atmosphere of a targeted society or country. The impact of terrorism has three motives-religious interests, ethnic minority interests and economic interests. But the real issue is the land, the power to hold it and to get maximum benefit from it.Essay writing Topics

Terrorists groups today are well-equipped with state-of-the-art technologies. Terrorists are increasingly making use of bombs and explosives. In addition, indiscriminate firing, bombarding and hijacking are also used by them as a tool to terrorist the society. Nuclear terrorism and bio-terrorism are the ways of modern terrorism. Terrorists in their operation of activities are very brutal and cruel. They act cold-bloodedly without any consideration to kindness, ethics and morality. Their sole aim is to cause destruction and damage.Essay topics

Terrorists today work under as part of global network. They have established contacts with groups in different countries and carry on their activities quiet collaboration with them. They offer training and finances to other groups. Sometimes terrorists activities are sponsored by bigger terrorist organizations. Ultimately whatever measures are taken, the conditions that give rise to terrorism has to be tackled efficiently.

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