According to a report on National Crime Records Bureau there were more than 70,000 known cases of suicide every year in India. In 1980 there were 41,663 cases. They grew to 73,911 in 1990 and are during expected to be more than one lakhs the first decade of the century. It means once every seven and half minutes in 1990 and 5 minutes in 1994. Andre Beteille, a sociologist concluded that there are suicides whenever there is a sudden change in economic status. A sudden fall in economic status may result in a suicide. But a sudden improvement also causes it. Someone who is a bit left behind in the race gets frustrated leading to suicide.
Rajesh sinha feels that with increasing population and urbanization, money has become very important for survival. If there is insufficient money the game ends with life itself. In mid nineties twelve families were driven to suicide in Kerala alone because of financial problem.
According to a sociologist the crumbling of joint family system takes the check away. People, out of the family have no psychological or emotional support. In the movement of tension such individuals cannot cope with it. They cannot face the competitive set up of the society and decide to reject life itself. Sometimes they kill the whole family before killing themselves.
On the other hand the daily friction of life in a joint family also tells on the psyche of men and women alike. Sometimes they co-operate to commit suicide. Some cases are noticed that some women are hanged to save their family from expected dowry demands.
Frustration in love is another cause of suicide. In the modern advanced society love beyond the caste limits and without the knowledge of parents is a common thing. If the parents came in the way it may be a dooms day for the lovers. Actors and actresses have been no exception to it. The suicide may also be caused by tyrannical or indecent approaches of a boss. Last but not the least cause of suicide is failure or expected failure in the examination. A large number of farmers committed suicide in Kerala because of failure of crops.
The family and Govt have not been able to check the rising trend of suicide that rose 8% in 90’s. The family members of the dead as well as the govt, itself has not been able to find the way out. Some non Government organizations have made a breakthrough in the space of suicides.
Many organizations and their volunteers working among these people. The volunteers do not give advice. They are listeners of those who speak too much and initiators for those who won’t speak or breakdown. They refind the frustrated people and open their bag of sympathy. There are regular advertisements that draw people to this organization. So friends, we must do something against this disease, we must love them, hear them and gave love. They will come back to life.