Drug Abuse and the Youth

Since the youth are the future citizens of India, they should be brought up and protected with the utmost care. Nowadays young people are very much independent and are not amenable to the reasonable, logical pleas of their parents, teachers and elders to walk past in the right direction.

As young people are carefree they get little chance of knowing the implications of the moral values of life. They think they can do anything they like and they are not bound by ethical rules and regulations. In these days, except a few, many students take to evil ways. Especially the youth who stay in hostels for a long time develop all kinds of bad habits and get themselves spoiled. Most of the youngsters who stay in lodges are exposed to bad habits like smoking, drinking and sexual relationship with strangers. Even a disciplined boy turns to evil ways because of his association with bad boys.Essay writing

Getting addicted to drugs is drugs is most dangerous. We believe that a person in hallucination experiences the pleasure of hearing a song from his inner being. He is totally in the grip of an illusion. It is true that a person who knowingly or unknowingly gets the taste of a drug is drawn to it and his addiction to it gradually becomes stronger and stronger making him a slave to drugs. All bad habits like addiction to liquor, drugs or seeking the company of harlots, enslaves one, and is apt to be in its grip for ever.

In many of the western countries addiction to drugs especially among the youth has caught on like wild fire and this trend forebodes disaster to the society. Drug-addiction strikes at the root of discipline of the youth misguiding them, leading them astray and make them muddle-headed.Drug-addicts have a tendency to add more and more persons to their company and they desire that others too should become victims of drug addiction.

The Central as well as the State Governments have established counseling and treatment centers for drug and liquor addicts. There are some private counseling and treatment centers for drug and liquor addicts all over the country. The youth should be advised to mould themselves into noble, responsible citizens to enable them to shoulder the responsibilities of the nation. They have to be warned and even castigated for their misguided enthusiasm in evil habits which would slowly and steadily lead them to their doom.

The youth of our country are tomorrow’s citizens and in this world of violence, mutual bitterness and deceit, they should be made to understand that they are the torchbearers of wisdom and discipline. The future of the nation is in their hands.

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