Essay Writing Topics on MY IDEAL TEACHER


I live in a world if starvation. I have friends all around me-all beggars. They are starving in a world that is full of knowledge. But the toast of knowledge is not passed on to the hungry student. An ideal teacher would make the toast wholesome with latest innovations and place it on the plate of inquisitiveness of the students. The teacher of my fancy would not pass on morsels of stale knowledge to the students. He would rather offer something new-something fresh- something full of fragrance.

We respect our Teachers An Ideal Teacher
You are My Best Teacher

Notes of different categories are now available in the market- the market of cheap second hand knowledge. If one chooses to have this stuff one can have it from the education hawker at the street corner. An ideal teacher won’t recommend this cheap stuff. He will also not dictate such cheap notes to the young students to cram and go through the examination. An ideal teacher has full faith in the intelligence of the young girls and boys. He would arouse their passion for knowledge and would satisfy it by explaining things. He would substantiate everything with a number of examples. He would let knowledge flow like a transparent stream. One has just to have a dip to be fresh.

Double standard is the greatest vice of the modern age. One says something and does just the opposite. It is a world of hypocrites. My ideal teacher is truth and simplicity personified. His apparent personality and inner self are one and the same. He has no aspirations to amass wealth through tuitions and other unfair means. He is an embodiment of idealism. It is his knowledge backed by simplicity that makes him popular among the students. He places an ideal of self sacrifice and helping nature before the students.

My ideal teacher is not a library himself. But he is always in the orchard of books and knowledge. He picks up flowers and fruits for himself and his hungry students. He guides them to realm of knowledge. By imparting true knowledge he grows his own stature and that of his dear boys. He transforms them into personalities that keep the nation young and the society rich with immortal culture of the nation. He is a candle that shows path to the young boys through the dark lanes of life by its flame. Like a candle he burns and sacrifices himself to smoothen the path of others.

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