Kashmir has been a problem for us since our independence. It has a historical background of our failing and betrayals to the nation. The seeds were sown in the unnatural partition of the country. We talked of secularism and accepted the partition on communal lines. The appeasement policy of Indian leaders, started by Mahatma Gandhi, continued after partition. The natural results of partition were that all Muslims ought to have gone to Pakistan and all Hindu ought to have come to Bharat. But the Hindus flowed from Pakistan to India. But five crores Muslims remained in the country. What was the fun of partition then? It was rather an introduction to much partition to come.
Pakistan lives in our country in every nook and corner. In the cities where Muslims lives, have Hindu Muslim riots again and again. These are not riots but are effort to gain position. Collection of arms has been found in then houses and mosques. The Govt has not been telling the facts to the people. Newspapers have been very idealistic in not showing the courage to call a spade. The so called secularism that is to safeguard the interests to this van minority keeps them both blind and deaf to the realities.|
There was an average of 30 killings a day during the decade of the century. A number of officers were kidnapped. Some of them were killed while others were free only after some hard core militants were released from jails. There were sometimes gimmicks too. The millennium began with the hijacking an aeroplane to get the release of three most dangerous Pakistani militants.
The condition in the valley has worsened to the extent that lakhs of Hindus, mostly Kashmir Pandits have left their home land. They have migrated to Jammu, Delhi,] Bangalore and many other cities. Most of them have been living in ill equipped camps. CPM, CPI, Congress, Janata Dal, National Integration Council and the Left Front have been insting upon a peaceful solution by giving more facilities and job opportunities to the Muslims in the valley! The reality is that there is nothing like a border between Pakistan occupied Kashmir and this side of Kashmir.
Militant Muslim organizations send their members for training to Pakistan while Pakistanis and the trained Indian Muslims enter India. There is an organist conspiracy by Pakistan to occupy whole of Kashmir. ISI of Pakistan has been very active in these efforts.
The tragedy is that because of section 370 in our constitution even the President of India cannot purchase an inch of land in Kashmir, while Pakistani Muslims asserting that they belongs to India can. Thus the population of Muslims in Kashmir has been increasing by leap and bounds while others have left at least and valley. The solution lies in a firm determination to scrap section 370, give autonomy to Jammu and Ladakh and if the valley is to be surrendered to Pakistan let all the Muslims, who side with Pakistan, are asked to accompany their Kashmiri brothren to the land of their love. There is no alternative military action. Let us undo what Nehru had done before the Muslim countries, including the six recently established in the old USSR, bring pressure on India through international forums like UNO, European forums like the Big 7, The European Community of Twelve, The USA and the friends of Palestine in Middle East.