MY BEST FRIEND: Essay Topics


I have many friends. They are all very nice and helpful. But Renu is my best friend. She is of my age. She comes of a noble family. She is the best girl in our class. We go to school together. We do our home work together. We play together in the evening. Renu is very good in studies. All the teachers like her. She is very good in singing and painting. She is also a good volleyball player. She is the captain of our school volleyball team. She is also our class monitor. She is always neatly and smartly dressed. She is very regular and punctual. She helps everybody. She respects and obeys all the teachers. She respects her parents. She helps her mother by doing little jobs for her like dusting, making bed etc. she always has a smile on her face. She has a noble aim in life. She wants to be doctor. She wakes up very early in the morning and goes for a morning walk. I am proud of her and feel myself to be lucky for having such a nice friend.