Persuasive Essay Topics on My unforgettable Train Journey
A journey by train is an interesting and educative experience. During the last summer vacation, I had the opportunity to travel from Dehra Dun to Lucknow with my friends.
We reached the Dehra Dun station in time to catch the 1.50pm Train. Our train stood ready. Our seats were reserved and so we boarded the train leisurely and found our seats. There was a great rush at the station. After a few minutes, the grand blew his whistle and waved his green flag. Soon the train moved out of the station and our journey began.
When the train crossed the signal point it began to catch speed. After five minute the train was passing through fields and gardens. The countryside of the Dehra Dun Valley through which we were passing was pretty, and so we enjoyed ourselves by looking through the windows. We saw green filed, trees, groves and forests from the running train. We also saw farmers ploughing the fields. We saw to our left the lower Himalayan hills and to the right the Siwalik range. We passed through green fields and then through beautiful forests. Everything looked bright and pleasant in the afternoon sunshine.
Beauty and variety mixed in equal proportions spread out in every sight we saw. The rhythmic movement of the train gave a musical effect to what we saw before us.
In the train there were all sorts of people. There were w2ell dressed people. There were villagers in their simple dresses. Some people were reading and books and newspaper, while other was discussing politics and the rising prices. Some other was sleeping. In our compartment, there were some tourists from Germany who were on their way to Delhi. We had a good chat with them. They spoke highly of Indian culture and admired the simplicity of Indians.
After some hours we travelled through some tunnels and came to the scared town of Haridwar where the train stopped. Even from the train, we could see the clear water of the Ganges and the Hindu temples on the banks. The place was crowded with monkeys and sadhus. The journey continued and we passed through the plains of U.P. The train stopped for half an hour at Saharanpur and we had our dinner there. From there the train took speed and we all settled down to sleep. About rolled into the big, hot, noisy station of Lucknow. It was really an unforgettable and pleasant journey.