Principles of management unit 3 Organising – Download Study Materials

Principles of management : Organizing

Principles of Management in Organising: “ Organizations are collectives of people that here been established for the pursuit of relatively specific objective on a more or less on continuous basis”

Salient features

a) Identifiable aggregation of human beings.

b) Deliberate and conscious creation.

c) Purposive creation.

d) Co-ordination of activities

e) Structure

f) Rationality

Principles of management unit 3 Organising  Study Material download

Organization as structure

It is also referred to in the context of structure which prescribes the relationships among individuals and position that they hold. There may be different ways in which these relationships are prescribed. Organization is not used independently but is combined with the term organization either in the form of organization either in the form of organization structure or structure of organization.

Organization as process

Theorists leave used the term organization in the form of process of organizing thro which structure is created. Because of the use of the term organization as a process more confusion has been created in management literature. Organization has the following elements. As a processor.

a). Departmentation.

b). Linking Departments.

c) Defining authority and Responsibility

d) Presenting authority relationships.

Features of Good organization structure

 1. Simplicity :

It should be basically simple. The concept of simplicity implies that various organizational relations should be kept minimum possible. Provision of various net works is essential but it should not be clear about to whom he has to consult in a particular matter.

 2. Flexibility:

An organization structure should be flexible enough so that changes can be incorporated whenever needs arise.   The Structure is designed not only for a time period but for a distant future also.

3. Clear line of Authority:

The concept of clear line of authority implies that one should be very clear about what he is expected to achieve or contribute and what relationships should be maintained by him of his official level.

4. Application of Ultimate Responsibility:

The concept of ultimate responsibility suggests that although a superior manager assigns some of the work to his sub-ordinates.  He is ultimately responsible for performance of total work.

 5. Proper delegation of authority:

The concept of ultimate responsibility can work only when there is proper delegation of authority at various levels of the organization.  Delegation of authority refers to authorization of a manager to make certain decisions.

6. Minimum Possible managerial levels:

As for as possible there should be minimum managerial levels.  Greater the number of the managerial levels, larger is the line of communication in the chain of command and communication has to fraud along the line crating problems of delay in distortion.

7. Principles of unity of Direction and command:

Unless absolutely essential principles of unity of direction and unity of command should be followed.  As discourse of earlier unity of direction refers to the concept of one plane one man.

8. Proper emphasis on staff:

Line function should be separated from staff function and adequate emphases should places on important staff activities.


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