We became free on 15th August 1947. Since the dawn of Independence, we have been facing many problems. The problems of rapid increase in population are one of them. Ten million are added to our population every year. There are more than fifty crores ill-fed, ill-nourished and ill housed human beings in our society. Packed classrooms, overcrowded compartments and heavy traffic on the roads are a common sight.
The effect of over population is that it has caused a number of difficulties. It has made the daily life of a common man full of worries. Problem of housing, unemployment, under employment and scarcity of food grains are connected with it. Population would not be a problem if we have enough jobs, enough schools and houses as well.
The best solution of these problems is to keep the population under control. We cannot improve in general without limiting the size of the family. This is known as family planning. It is a curse to have a big family now-a-days. A couple should have two or three children. In these days of soaring prices, a man does not earn enough to support a big family. We have no right to have children whom we cannot bring up with love and care. It is the duty of wise parents to give proper education and nourishing food to their children.
There are many methods of birth control. The best method is to lead a controlled life. We should lead a pious life. The second is the use of medicines and contraceptives. Generally, people do not like operation. Right type of education is very necessary.
Our government is paying a full attention to it Family planning centre’s, where we can get all sort of advice on family planning, have been started.