The problem of unemployment is the serious problem which our country faces now-a-days. It implies an involuntary idleness. The indi­vidual who does not earn his bread by means of labour becomes a nui­sance to the society. Unless everyone is provided work, this problem could not be solved.

There are several causes for unemployment. The most important is that our system of education is very defective. Much importance is given to theoretical and literary education. Practical side is neglected. Schools and colleges have become factories producing unemployed persons. When students come out of schools, they find themselves unemployed. Wherever they go, they find the doors closed before them. In the end, they become desperate.

Machines are also responsible for unemployment. They have destroyed cottage industries which were a source of income to poor people. So people became unemployed.

In order to remove unemployment, our government should do her best; as unemployed citizens generally become a prey to the informal ways of living. The state which cannot provide employment to her people can never claim to be a Welfare State.

The system of education should be changed. Emphasis should be given to the importance of manual labour. Special attention should be paid to technical education. Cottage and small industries should be encouraged and money should be made available to the villagers on a nominal interest rate to run their industries. Some sort of arrangement should be made, so that the landless workers must have some land to cultivate. Import of foreign goods should be stopped and Indian indus­tries should be patronized.

Though our government is fully aware of the problem, any imme­diate solution is nowhere in sight. Unless the problem is solved satis­factorily all talks of a welfare state is meaningless.