The Electronic Media

speech topics on media

Nowadays, a very popular means of social interaction and propagation that has emerged along with the print media is the rise of Electronic media. The birth of electronic media took place with the invention of radio when single voice miles away thrilled millions across the continents who marveled at this miraculous hearing of a voice. People wondered and were over-joyed with this great invention. It was the beginning of an entirely new era. Science was hailed as the mistress of all knowledge because it had made the impossible happen-a voice travelled and reached every nook and corner of the world. Owning a radio became a symbol of pride and social status.

Essay TopicsWhen the voice got a face through Television, the people were left aghast. How could they see a person sitting miles away? And that hear him? So clearly so closely? It was the miracles of miracles wonder of wonders. Science is pack of magical things television is revolution in itself. The whole world got shrunk into that one room of the house then on September 15, 1959. Dooradarshan was inaugurated in India.Essay writing Topics

These also reflect upon the social impact that television has. With the introduction of Cable Television in 1993, electronic media has emerged as a greater social force than ever. Gone are the days when television was a monopoly of a few rich. ‘Now the idiot box’ as it has been called by many is found in every home, shop and office. Television now has invaded not only every home, but every sphere of life, in fact, in some way or other television now-a-days dictates our life. It has invaded and cut short our social life. People preferred to watch television instead of visiting people or socializing. It has severed all homely conversations.

speech topics on media

But blaming television for all this solely would be an utter foolishness. Such things happen when human beings are enslaved by technology, when they let such things guide their lives and master them. If used judiciously, the electronic media can prove to be very useful educationally as well as socially, politically and economically. TV can in fact, be used as a powerful medium to spread social awareness among the illiterate masses against various social evils. Discussions on various topics can help the educated masses increase their intellectual abilities and widen their horizons. The various news channels keep the vigilant citizens updated. Channels like Discovery and National Geographic keep the inquisitive mind busy and satisfy every intellectual query of a mind. Alone with these are endless number of entertainment channels is solely there amuse and tickle the audience. Now even a number of kid’s channels have come to cater to this special section of the society.

Internet is another electronic media which is fast growing and extremely popular. And internet can help popularize technology internationalize and universalize our outlook. Thus electronic media can play a great constructive role in helping build up the social and cultural infrastructure of the nation if used wisely within the limits of decency and intellectuality.

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Cloning – Ethical or Not?

Debate topics on cloning

Ever since sheep- Dolly was cloned in 1997, a new field of controversy had been flung open-whether this newly acquired technology of cloning is beneficial or detrimental to human race. It was not by accident that Dolly was cloned. It took nearly about 76 nuclear transfer procedures by a Scottish scientist at the Roslin Institute in order to create the first cloned animal ever. The success rate of reproductive cloning still remains doubtful at the present moment because the dangers of reproductive cloning are many. Besides many of the clones thus produced suffer from major abnormalities, for instance, deformation of an organ or its absence. Research has shown that out of all the attempts on reproductive cloning. 90% of them are fail to produce even one viable offspring. Early human cloning experiments are thus at a big stake because they will be more prone to similar abnormalities found in animal clones. These abnormalities found in animal clones.  These abnormalities might result into further medical complications as miscarriages, abortions, birth of offspring with highly deformed organs or abnormal features. Moreover, human cloning is believed to be unethical or immoral.

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Another impediment that puts a question mark on reproductive cloning is the uncertainty on the kind of mental development, the clone will have. The mental development of an animal clone produced is of little significance but it acquires important dimensions when it comes to human cloning. Reproductive cloning might put great physiological burdens. Clones raised under different circumstances and environments will turn out to be different in their personalities. Infinite other uncertainties related to the mental development of the offspring, the inefficiency to develop healthy and normal human clones along with many other dangers for the present moment makes human cloning unethical, immoral and even unscientific. It is morally unacceptable because it converts a natural and sacred process of human procreation into a mechanized and beastly human manufacturing industry. The concept is so new and unexplored that the dangers of its processes are ethical issues that are unresolved. Thus, till these issues are resolved, it is wise to ban the dangerous attempts to clone humans.

Debate topics on cloning

On the other hand, therapeutic cloning, which is often confused with reproductive cloning, does not attempt to create an offspring or the replica of progenitor, in fact, in this process, vital stem cells are taken from human embryos, which are in turn used to generate tissues and organs which are again used for transplantation. The ultimate goal is this to treat various kinds of heart diseases. Alzheimer’s disease and it is helpful even in fighting cancer. Reproductive cloning is used for the conception of an offspring which possesses certain desired characteristics of the progenitor is much shrouded in controversy. Therapeutic cloning has a much better position to take.

Cloning thus as a new branch of knowledge and biotechnology is still in its primary stage. It will have to be explored more deeply and tested more rigorously to facilitate it to become acceptable.

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Child Labour in India Essay Writing Topics

Essay writing Topics

Child labour is one of the challenging problems in India. The practice of engaging young children in various sectors of labour is evident. It is astonishing to note that there is staggering figure between 60 and 115 million working children in India perhaps the highest number in the world. It is poverty that draws a child to earn money to support the needs of his family. Though it is prevalent in most parts of the country, the problem is acute for the socio-economically weaker states like UP, Bihar, Orissa, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Uttarakhand, Madhyapradesh and North-eastern states. Besides poverty, lack of education and accessible sources of credit forces poor parents to engage their children in child labour. India is forced to take up the challenge of providing basic amenities to these children.

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It is seen that more than 85 percent of child labour is in the country’s rural areas, working in agricultural activities, such as farming, livestock rearing, forestry and fisheries. Children also develop skills in certain traditional crafts. These children contribute greatly to the national income.

The Government of India is keen to eradicate child labour. India’s unequivocal commitment to the cause of children is well expressed in constitutional provisions, legislations, policies and programmes. The Directive Principle of State Policy and Fundamental Rights reveal the commitment of the Government. Besides, India is also a party to the UN Declaration on the Rights of the child, 1959. India adopted the National Policy on children in 1974. India also ratified on December 2, 1992, the Convention on the Rights of the Child of 1990. This ratification implies that India will ensure wide awareness about issues relating to children. India is also a signatory to the World Development of Children.

Child labour is a great socio-economic problem. Children essentially work to maintain the economic level of households, either in the form of work for wages, or help in household enterprises, or in household chores. In all the activities the basic objective is to provide the family financial support. In some cases, it has been found that a child’s income accounted for between 34 and 37 per cent of the total income of the household.

The policies and programmes of the government conform to its commitment which focuses on the eradication of child labour. Though enforcement is in existence, it has failed to be of much effort. Measures have to be initiated in a proper manner by the government in order to achieve the goal of eradication of child labour.

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AIDS – Cause and Effects

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Acquired Immuno Deficiency syndrome, popularly known by its abbreviation AIDS is a fatal disease as it attacks and destroys the immune system of the body. It is caused by a virus called Human Immuno Deficiency virus or HIV. This virus is even invisible to microscope and can remain in the body for years together without showing any visible symptoms. AIDS is the last stage of infection of the virus. It takes at least 10 years of period between getting infected with HIV and reaching the stage of developing AIDS. The first ever case of a person with AIDS was detected in America in 1959 which later emerged as a dreadfully widespread disease  in the 1980s. In India, it was reported in 1986.

HIV is a fast spreading disease in the world which if-not controlled can take epidemic proportions. As per the reports of Indian Health Organization(IHO), women and children are found to be more prone to the disease. The highest number of AIDS cases are found in Mumbai in India which is known as the AIDS capital of the country. A number of HIV cases are reported in recent years.

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As per the common myth, HIV infection is not contagious as is measles or chicken pox. The infection mainly spreads through a sexual route or blood to blood contact. HIV spreads mainly through a sexual relationship, whether heterosexual or homosexual with an infected partner, transfusion of HIV infected blood products, use of infected syringes or needles ans is passed on by an infected mother to her unborn child. It is therefore, foolish to believe that HIV spreads through mosquitoes, touching or shaking hands, coughing, or eating from the same plates, or attending similar schools or working together.

  AIDS in reality caused by a slow and gradual process. Medically, four stages have been in its long process. The initial HIV infection may show general symptoms like fever, body ache or head ache and then lie dormant for years together without showing any further signs. The infection can be passed on through next, a person may develop enlarged glands in the neck or armpits without any pain or other symptoms. Other symptoms can be fatigue, weight loss, chronic diarrhea, prolonged fever, cough, night sweats etc. Gradually the virus damages the immune system. The last stage of the disease takes at least 10 years to culminate into a fully blown AIDS. By this time, the patient’s immune system is totally destroyed and the person gets infected by various. This stage is easily recognized and a man survives only for about 3-4 years after entering this stage.

Two tests are carried out in order to confirm HIV infection- ELISA and Western Blot. Elisa is simple and the results can be known within a few hours but Western Blot is difficult, expensive and time consuming.

Awareness about the disease, its causes and treatment should be created among the masses. Schools and colleges can act as very effective medium of creating awareness among the youth. These youth in turn can be instrumental in spreading awareness among the other sections of the society. HIV patients need to be cared with compassion and be allowed to live and die with dignity.

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A Role Model Student

Essay writing Speech Topics

Students are the future hopes of the country. A student is like clay which can be moulded into any desired shape. Hence, it is necessary that the students be brought up and taught in the right way. The environment of society is responsible for shaping up the character of students.

Discipline is the foremost quality of a student. He has to live in accordance with the strict rules of conduct and discipline. This is the time of life when the foundation of character is laid. A student without a sense of discipline is like a ship without a rudder. He should be obedient and cautious. He should he humble and simple. He should respect his elders and gain knowledge in that he may become a good citizen. A good student should be studious. He should not only study, but also others let study. For this he has to be law-abiding. He should spend a lot of his student develops the habit of reading good books. In order to widen his mental horizon.Essay writing Speech Topics

Students are the citizens of tomorrow. It is very necessary for them to be strong and healthy. The honour of a country cannot saved unless it has strong citizens. To keep himself healthy, a student must take part in games and extracurricular activities. He should be an all-rounder. He should select his friends intelligently and wisely. He must ensure that no evil tempts to him. An ideal student should be an amusing companion. He should have pleasing manners. He should not be coward, because a coward is a curse to society. So he should be bold and hardworking, and be ready to sacrifice himself for the sake of the country.

An ideal student must understand how much he owes to his parents. He should be a servant of humanity. He should also take an active interest in social service. He should be active in finding out solutions to various problems of society. An ideal student should be humorous. He should keep the atmosphere lively by his humorous nature. He should never be passive in mind and body. He should take an active part in the activities of the school. He should be a source of inspiration for others.

The school is a community, and an ideal student should learn to be a useful member of it. This means that he should have good relations with his authorities and friends. He should be frank and fearless. An ideal student will admit his mistake, get it corrected and learn from it. He is fully conscious of his duties and responsibilities. He sets an example for the younger generation. An ideal student has many good qualities. He presents an ideal model of character before others. Such a student will be an asset to the nation.

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The Evils Of dowry system

Speech Topics Essay topics

The dowry system is the biggest evil of Indian society. The sacred institution of marriage is reduced to a business transaction. Dowry is the money and other items which the parents give away to their daughters at the time of their marriage.

This is a very old custom. It exists in all sections of Indian society. In recent times it has become widespread and problematic to parents and girls. In the past, it was a voluntary offer from the part of the parents of the brides, but now it has become compulsory. Now it is a necessary evil. The system has reduced the dignity of women. It shows that women are inferior to men. Poor parents borrow huge sums of money at high rates of interest to give dowry. Thus, it places the girl’s father in a weak position psychologically and economically, and the economy of the girl’s family is shattered for a long period. Some girls commit suicide just because their parents cannot give them dowry. Some people compel their daughter in laws to bring money even after the marriage.

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Many girls are put to a lot of trouble and some of them even end their lives not long after the marriage. There are instance of persecution and killing of girls by her husband’s relatives just because she has not brought the promised dowry. The system causes a rift between wife and husband or between the families of the boy and the girl. It may result in divorce or dowry death. This is a shame to our society. The dowry system has made the life of women an agony.

This inhuman practice must be put an end to at the earliest. Now there is a great demand by the people that this evil system of dowry should be abolished completely. The educated youth of the country should make aware of this evil and they should come forward to fight this evil. The government has taken many steps to put an end to this system. Law alone cannot produce any desirable result. People should co-operate with the government to wipe out this curse to society. A strong propaganda should be started against this evil by all responsible persons in the society. Then only the black mark on the bright face of our country can be removed.

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