Technology is a term coined for defining all applications of science and knowledge to practical life. From the invention of wheel and fire to the manufacture of new big machines; everything is a contribution of technological inventions and advancements. Man, being the most intelligent animal keeps searching for new possibilities of scientific discoveries and keeps applying them to his life thus advancing with time.
Technology has made human survival much more convenient and simple and has added many luxuries to our lives. It has made many things possible which could not even be imagined once upon a time. It has made round-the-earth sea voyages possible and has even helped man to reach out to the most distant celestial bodies of the universe. It has also made producing tons of goods in a very less time possible. Almost every other thing we do or use in our day is a technological contribution. We can say that if we remove technology from our lives, we may have to live like other animals roaming around on the earth.
On one hand if technology has made our existence simpler, it has also added a lot of disadvantages to it. Due to the numerous luxuries and comforts it has provided us, it has made us completely dependent on machines and has made our lives sedentary and unhealthy. Since all the work can now be done on the press of a button or sometimes even by verbal commands to machines, man has stopped working mechanically and relies on machines for the simplest errands. This has led to many diseases like obesity, diabetes, lethargy, fatigue and much more. Man has become a slave of machines and the time is not far when machines shall start ruling over humans.
We call this era to be the machine age because of the miraculous machines that have been invented and are being used. But we should not depend on them completely as this is known that machines and scientific advancements are a product of human intelligence and we should not let that overtake us completely as it tends to deteriorate the quality of our lives if not used judiciously and wisely.
Technology is definitely an asset if used wisely and sustainably keeping in mind the quality of our lives. It is upon us if we use it as a boon or a bane.