Essay Writing Topics about POLLUTION

Essay on pollution and its effects

Essay on Pollution and its effects In this Essay on pollution we discuss about the types of pollution and its effects to the environment. Since the beginning of life on this planet, the atmosphere has functioned as an acceptor of emitted wastes. When the convenience and comforts of man is increasing, he has to upset … Read more

Essay about POLLUTION

POLLUTION “I durst not laugh for fear of opening my lips and receiving the bad air.”                             —William Shakespeare How true these words sound in the present context. There is so much pollution all around us today that normal breathing in itself is the greatest risk to our lives. Pollution has affected our lives so adversely … Read more

Essay Writing about POLLUTION

POLLUTION Whenever man tried to progress and advance further, pollution inevitably took place. It has been seen that man always had to pay very dearly when he made some progress. The more man advanced towards development, the more pollution problems arose. Pollution can be in soil, water, air, noise etc. All types of pollution tell … Read more

POLLUTION: Essay Writing

POLLUTION Pollution is a gift to us of developing cities and towns, with the growing development and progress of industries. Noise, water, soil and air pollution are the different kinds of pollutions. Smoke pollution and water pollution are caused by industrialization. Smoke pollution is caused by the smoke emanating from industries, traffic and machines. Buses … Read more

POLLUTION: Essay Writing Topics

POLLUTION Whenever man tried to progress and advance further, pollution inevitably took place. It has been seen that man always had to pay very dearly when he made some progress. The more man advanced towards development, the more pollution problems arose. Pollution can be in soil, water, air, noise etc. All types of pollution tell … Read more

Essay Writing on POLLUTION

POLLUTION Development has lead mankind to misuse the limited natural resources around us. There are several kinds of pollution that of air, water and soil. Growth and progress has to be balanced with conservation of nature so that we may live disease free lives and leave a clean planet for the future generations. Some of … Read more


POLLUTION Pollution is a gift to us of the developing cities and towns, with the growing development and progress of industries. Noise, water, soil and air pollution are then kind of pollutions. Smoke pollution and water pollution are caused by industrialization. Smoke pollution is caused b the smoke emanating from industries, traffic and machines. Buses … Read more

Essay Writing Topics on POLLUTION

POLLUTION Modern world has encouraged the pollution now-a-days. Necessities of the modern people are increasing day by day. Increasing demands are the main cause of flourishing industrialization and it causes pollution. Oxygen is the most part of the atmosphere . Without the presence of oxygen no living being can be lie a healthy like or … Read more

Essay Topics about POLLUTION

POLLUTION Modernization has encouraged the pollution now-a-days. The wants, demands and necessities of the modern world are increasing day by day these demands are the main cause for flourishing industrialization. The growing of population causes more demands and its causes more demands and its causes development of industries. In this way this process of environmental … Read more

Essay Writing Topics on POLLUTION

POLLUTION Development has lead mankind to misuse the limited natural resources around us. There are several kinds of pollution that of air, water and soil. Growth and progress has to be balanced with conservation of nature so that we may live disease free lives and leave a clean planet for the future generations. Some of … Read more