Proverb Expansion
When someone praises us, we become happy. But when someone criticizes or speaks the truth about our mistakes, we become unhappy and irritated. We like the person who praises us and he becomes our friend. But we do not like the person who speaks the truth about us and he becomes our enemy. The aim of a flatterer is to please someone by excessive praise of his virtues and achievements. It is natural to like someone who praises of his virtues and achievements. It is natural to like someone who praises and pleases us. The flatterer satisfies our ego by his praises and so we like him. But if someone points out our mistakes, we feel annoyed. The criticism raise about us may be correct and we too know that it is just. But we only consider the man who criticised us as our enemy. This is true of modern political leaders. They like to be flattered, but do not like to be criticised. Truth is often unpleasant. It creates feelings of enmity and hatred. So it is said that flattery brings friends, truth enemies.