Essay writing topics on Live- in Relationships
Live- in relationships means that a couple who are in love with each other opt to stay together without getting married to each other. This phenomenon is common in the Western countries like America and Europe but it is gaining considerable visibility in India also.
We all are aware of the fact that however much progressive India might be but its basis is still traditional. However modern any culture of the Indian society is, they do not accept the fact that it is fine for a couple to stay with each other without getting married.
Some live- in relationship couples have to face severe problems if not from their community, from the society they live in. the society members claim that this kind of culture will have a bad influence on their kids because kids learn what they see. Most of the families claim that these couples can ruin the traditional mindset of their kids and the kids will follow suit in future.
Now the question that arises is that whether live-in relationships should be allowed in the societies or not. The opinions greatly vary. Most of the traditional Indians are of the view that if a couple is so much in love with each other; they should get married and then stay together instead of staying together unmarried.