Music is an art form which is widely recognized and appreciated all over the world irrespective of the region. It forms an integral part of all cultures and civilizations. It has now transformed into an industry because many people earn their livelihoods through music. Music thus has a social value attached to it and also has a cultural and economic significance. The history of music is interesting and vivid. Though there is no specific origin of this art form, but still it was introduced to the humans long ago.
Music was basically a luxury once only enjoyed by the royalties. In many places, people engaged in making music had to face social stigma as it was considered to be a thing of shame. Many other civilizations promoted music as an act of religious importance and the people related to music were held in high pristine. Thus, we see that music was welcomed with mixed responses. With the promotion of this art form all over the world, the tastes and the opinions of the people changed gradually and it gained appreciation all over the world. Music includes both vocal music and instrumental. There are many types of music indigenous to many regions and cultures. From western English music to African and Arabian music to the various genres of Indian music, there is a wide range to suit all tastes.
Today music plays an important role in our lives. It is a mode of recreation, an art industry, means of expression and also a matter of pride for many societies. Playing an instrument, be it the guitar or the table is one of the most pursued recreational activity. It not only helps us use our time effectively but is an efficient stress buster. Musicians and bands all over the world create and edit music and promote it to earn appreciation and their livelihoods. They even intend to express their opinions and emotions about issues close to them through music. Michael Jackson was one such legendary singer who voiced his views through music. Many societies also attach their cultural sentiments to their own music and is thus of great significance to them.
Many Indian societies consider music to be a form of worship. Thus, music is widely recognized and respected these days. But, music is being commercialized these days. A lot of money is minted through the music industry. This should not affect the quality of the music. Music is also a subject of study these days. Thus, we can conclude that music is truly important for each one of us.