“One world, one Government the whole world governed by one Government”. Doubtless the idea will be rejected off hand as preposterous by our politicians and statesmen, by the rulers of the world’s sovereign, independent states. For if mankind should one day become sane enough to establish a World Government, what would petty men do after that? How would they accumulate wealth for themselves and their families?
And yet, with the establishment of a Government that rules over the whole world, with the abolition of our present sovereign independent states, most of the evils that plague mankind could be eliminated. There would be no wars; there would be no nuclear holocausts; there would be no armies, no navies, and no air forces. And there would be no fear of overpopulation for a long time to come; there would no customs, no passports, and no trade barriers; there would be no poverty, no starvation, no filth, no squalor, any more. There would be, on the other hand, prosperity for everyone in this world. This sounds like a dream, a wonderful dream, but an impossible dream. But let’s examine the facts.
The nations of the world spend millions upon millions dollars every single second on war preparations – maintaining immense armies, navies, and air forces, and manufacturing unbelievable quantities of arms and ammunition, including, of course, nuclear bomb and misuses. With the abolition of the world’s 159 sovereign states, and the establishment of a World Government, all these military forces could be eliminated end all this military spending could immediately be brought to an end. And all the prodigious quantities of money thus saved could be diverted to creative projects spreads over the whole word. That money alone would be enough to provide every single human being with food, clothing and shelter, and adequate facilities for education.
The bogey of overpopulation could also be laid to rest. For the truth is, if all the habitable area of the whole earth is taken into account, the world today is far from being over populated. The World Government could encourage migration, and eventually there would be an even distribution of population over the whole earth. Consider just one instance. Australia’s land area is 7,682,300 square kilometres, while its population is just fifteen million. At the same time, Indian-state of Kerala has a land are of just 38,863, square kilometres and a population of over twenty-five million. In other words, while Australia’s density of population’s less than two parsons per square Kilometre, that of Kerala is more than 693 persons per square Kilometre!
So long as there are independent sovereign states in the world, wars will continue – small wars, big wars; and world wars. And the next world war, if it should ever be fought, will, without doubt bring about the quick extermination, not only of the human race, but also of all forms of life on earth. Which alternative will mankind choose? Our choice, then, is simple enough – the establishment of a World Government and a happy future for mankind, or a nuclear holocaust and the extinction of all life on earth.