Essay Writing – Ambition in Life

“Ambition” is a very strong desire for success, achievement, or distinction. Ambition can be good or bad. An ambition to achieve a good object is good, and an ambition to achieve a bad object is bad. To succeed well in one’s studies, to attain a high position in society, to become rich and prosperous, to become famous – these are all good ambition if the means adopted to achieve them are good. But far more praiseworthy is the ambition to do well to others. The ambition to become doctor in order to serve the sick and alleviate their suffering is a noble ambition.

To become a school teacher or a college professor in order to spread knowledge and to educate young people is an equally noble ambition. Similarly, it is an exceedingly noble ambition to devote on self to the upliftment and welfare of the poor, miserable sections of society. This is especially so in India, where nearly 400 million people live in abject poverty, squalor, and misery, without food, clothing or shelter, illiterate, ignorant and superstitious, exploited and downtrodden, despises and treated as outcasts and untouchables.

Ambition is the driving force that makes people make the necessary effort to achieve success in their chosen profession or calling. Therefore, children and young people should be encouraged to cultivated noble ambitions. It is the sacred duty of parents and teachers to engender and foster noble ambitions in the children and young people entrusted to their care.

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Essay Writing – Corporal punishment in Schools

It is an age-old saying that “Spare the rod, spoil the child” which means that physical punishment is the only way to mend the wrong doings of a child. It says that hitting a child for his mistakes can correct him. It is said that framing the character of a child is similar to making an earthen pot because it needs encouragement and support from within but also needs to be patted and corrected from the outside when there are faults. This way, the child is believed to become a person of substance with high ideals. It has been an age old practice in old methods of teaching to punish a child for his mistakes by hitting him or giving his physical punishment of other forms. In the ancient times, the students always feared such punishment and tried not to repeat such mistakes. The teachers always aimed to give proper training to their students and at the time were concerned about them and took care not to hurt them badly. The teacher- student relationship was that of respect and admiration in exchange of care and enlightenment.

Today, this relationship has been changed in various aspects. With the commercialization of education, the quality of teaching has gone down in some cases. Some teachers tend to inflict plain intentionally to their students for mistakes that can be rectified in a milder way. They tend to resort to extreme corporal punishment to correct a child. Corporal punishment, according to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, refers to any punishment in which physical force is used and intended to cause some degree of pain or discomfort. The intention of such punishment might be to correct the child and teach him a lesson, but it can also have a negative impact of humiliation and social embarrassment for the child. It can also make the child adamant, stubborn and rebellious. This might rather drift him towards more wrong acts instead of correcting him. Also, it instills a fear in the minds of some students and makes them reluctant towards learning or going to school. Many cases where corporal punishment has led the student to take drastic steps like suicidal attempts have been highlighted by the media. Many such teachers who resort to brutal immoral practices of inflicting pain into students have had to face serious scrutiny.

Many countries like Canada, Kenya, New Zealand, South Africa etc. have banned all forms of corporal punishment all over the nation. Many Indian schools take care not to resort to any such physical mode of punishment. Instead, measures like counseling or constructive hobbies are taken up to teach morals and values to students and even increase their comfort level at schools. The teachers are required o maintain a friendly and interactive atmosphere in their classes.

Corporal punishment, though not illegal in our country, yet it is avoided by most teachers.

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Essay Writing – Prevention of Road Accidents

Road accidents are mishaps that can occur on the roads involving vehicles or pedestrians owing to various factors. Every day, we come across news about such accidents that claim lives and cause casualties. It causes loss of lives and also social and individual property. It damages roads and often poses a problem for many people who commute through the same route daily.

The various reasons are unawareness about the traffic rules and road regulations. Some people tend to be careless and ignore the road rules intentionally to travel faster. Moreover, old roads and poor quality roads can pose a threat to the traffic running over them. Road congestion and traffic jams can lead to mishaps too. There have been cases of drunken driving and consequent accidents. Such carelessness and immature attitude on roads can cost lives.

Road rules are something every person should learn in his childhood and should implement them during his lifetime. The basic rules of not playing around on the road, walking on the footpath, crossing the road carefully from the zebra crossing or subways are taught to us as children and we should be careful to follow them always. As drivers, we should take care of the road sign boards and the basic rules of driving. There is a speed limit assigned to every area which should not be violated in any situation. Seat-belts should be secured and the vehicles should slow down in residential and institutional areas.

Two-wheelers like scooters and bikes are more vulnerable to accidents as thy can lose balance easily if not ridden carefully. Wearing helmets, maintaining safe speed limit and riding in the special lane allotted to two-wheelers if possible; these are some steps which can be taken care of by individuals. Youngsters should not be allowed to ride or drive vehicles unless they are professionally trained and have a legal driving license for the purpose. Heavy-duty vehicles and commercial vehicles should not ply in residential and institutional areas. Moreover, such vehicles should not be allowed to ply on by passes and highways after a certain moment. They should not be allowed to cross a certain speed limit because it is difficult to control them due to their large size and mass. There should be a different lane for bicycles, cycle-rickshaws, carriages and carts so that they do not interfere with the automobile traffic. Besides these rules, quality of the roads and the infrastructure of the place also matters a lot. Flyovers, bridges and wide roads should be constructed in congested and heavily populated cities to avoid road mishaps. The quality of the materials used for constructing these roads should be tested and only good quality materials should be used. Road-traffic police can also play an important role in avoiding accidents by doing their duty sincerely. They should take care that all rules are followed and should regulate the traffic systematically to avoid any confusion on the roads.

Such steps if taken care of can help avoid road mishaps and make travelling and commuting from one place to another safer.

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Essay Topics – Indian Governance

India is one of the largest democracies in the world. It has the largest multi-party democratic government in the world. Indian governance is based on democratic principles. With ideals of sovereignty, equality and secularism, the Indian constitution is the basis of the governance followed in our country. India is an independent republic that has grown as a multi-cultural nation with time. The formation and functioning of our government is a systematic and defined procedure that has been followed since the constitution was framed in 1950.

After the end of the British rule, all political leaders, visionaries and intellectuals who intended to run the country, framed the constitution and formed the first government of our nation. A president was elected with tenure of 5 years. The prime minister was elected for five years too. A cabinet of ministers was formed where everyone was given individual matters to look after and resolve. Issues like education, health sector, finance and economy and many other sectors were addressed individually and a ministry was set up for each. Many government organizations and bodies were formed and all of them acted cooperatively and mutually to make the government a success. With time, many political parties sprung up, many new issues were addressed and many more agendas were covered. With India growing as a global economy, external affairs were given a lot of importance and the Indian government signed coalitions and international bonds with many other countries. It formed a mutual support and trust with many countries. Today, India is one of the strongest economies and boasts of one of the most successful governments in the world. It has successfully managed to take care of all significant national, international, social, political, economic and cultural issues. Though it has faced many failures at various stages, it has managed to resurface as a successful government. Today it provides the masses with the right and freedom to express their opinions without fear, roam around the country freely and even practice any religion without any fear. It has also framed laws and taken initiatives to eliminate many social vices existing in our society.

Our government has various disadvantages and drawbacks owing to the fact that it is a multi-party democratic government model. There is a tendency of large arguments and deliberations leading to arguments due to the various opinions of the different people running the government. Corruption among the officials can lead to inefficiency of the government. Though, there is a certain extent of transparency between the masses and government, there needs to be a more cordial relationship between the public and the administration.

Thus, we see Indian governance is a success though not a complete success. The drawbacks if covered up can do better to our government.

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Speech Topics – Child Abuse in India

Child abuse is a social evil that has prevailed since ages and is still continuing in the present modern society. Children of all age groups are exploited in various ways. In rural and urban areas alike, many of them are robbed off their right to study and have a peaceful childhood. They are forced to toil hard and work in filthy dangerous conditions to earn a meager amount for their families. Many children are blinded intentionally or have their limbs chopped off and are made to beg on the streets. We have heard cases of children working in fireworks and glass factories. Many children are made to work as domestic helps in urban homes. Besides child labor, we have often heard of cases where children are kidnapped and hit almost to unconsciousness for not being able to work properly. Juvenile crime is also a result of the exploitation of children. Children working in factories and mines etc. are vulnerable to chronic diseases, toxic wastes and ailments. They survive on dumped and garbage scrap for food. Many children find shelter in pipes or in broken construction sites. Many documentaries, movies and articles have covered incidents of child abuse. National and local dailies are flooded with news of exploitation of children of age groups. Media has played an important role in highlighting this social issue.

The reason child abuse is still practiced in large numbers is primarily poverty. The vices like poverty, illiteracy and unemployment force and drag families and their children into the vicious circle of child exploitation. Many rural families force their children to work because of dearth of money and proper facilities. There are communities where all the children are sent off to towns and cities to earn money by doing odd jobs and send it home. Crime and corruption among the administrative people, authorities and officials create greater difficulties for these people. The funds diverted for their betterment often disappears among these officials itself and they reap no benefits. The laws and rules framed against child exploitation stay only on paper and are not implemented due to the inefficiency of our government officials. Unawareness among the families of these children adds to the causes.

Many NGOs have started taking initiatives to educate such children and their families. UNESCO and UNICEF have educated villages as a whole and created employment opportunities for them. Such initiatives coupled with individual initiatives from the families and people involved can help eliminate such problems.

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Discussion Topics – Brain Drain from India

Brain drain is a global phenomenon that refers to flow of human resource in bulk from one country to another. With the beginning of globalization, ideas, opinions, skill in the form of labor started being exchanged between nations. India has been undergoing large amount of this outflow of its human capital and talent in the past few decades. The human capital in terms of skill, ideas, labor and intelligence is being transferred to countries abroad from India since ages. Today, Indians constitute majority of large organizations like NASA, California Laboratory etc. There are many Indians at high posts in global firms and companies. Indians constitute most of the highest brains in the world. There are many reasons for which we have been seeing this trend. Brain drain is thus a phenomenon which can be a loss to our country if not regulated.

Many factors account for the drain of the human resource. One of the most important factors is the work culture and professional atmosphere abroad. Many social evils like discrimination, workspace assaults, gender based reservation and social bias make the atmosphere unfriendly for work. Moreover, Corruption makes the work spaces unfriendly for many. There have been cases where undeserving people are preferred over more deserving and talented people for incentives, perks and bonuses. Also, the lifestyle and the social life seem to be better to many young professionals. The professional and social life, both seem to be rewarding. Growth opportunities are vast. Talent and capability is often rewarded with huge bonuses. Studies say that Indians are one of the most hard-working, dedicated and sincere. This accounts for one of the reasons there is a huge demand for them in the foreign work culture. Many scientific, technological or business ideas and inventions have had an Indian origin and have been accredited abroad.

Though this brain drain might have benefitted individuals, it has also made communities suffer racial discrimination in some countries. The countries abroad even miss a cultural richness and a sense of belongingness that is attached to ones’ native country. As a result, people working and settled abroad often miss out on social gatherings and festivals celebrated in their home country. They even lack a sentiment that is attached to our native country.

Today, the Government and private firms are aiming towards a better and friendlier atmosphere to create better conditions for their employees. Discrimination and bias at work places are tried to eliminate by making laws and implementing them. Incentives are given to stop youngsters from going abroad in search of work. Today, people from countries like the USA, the UK etc. come to India for higher studies and then work. Thus, we see a reversal in the trend of brain drain gradually. Thus, if a balance is maintained between nations and a healthy interaction is created, we shall definitely reap the benefits of this aspect of globalization.

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Speech Topics

Drugs are basically organic or inorganic chemicals. There are various families of drugs either obtained naturally or synthesized in the lab for various purposes. There are medicinal drugs which are prescribed in definite dosages for various ailments or other medical reasons. There are non-medicinal drugs too which are consumed by some people for temporary relief from depression or other nervous tensions. These drugs if consumed in excess tend to damage our nervous system and hinder the functioning of our other body parts.Speech Topics

Drug addiction starts as a one-time indulgement. The person who starts taking drugs as a habit soon gets addicted to them. Drugs definitely relieve a person off his troubles temporarily but cause long-term malfunctioning. Drug addicts turn irresponsible and lose all senses when under the effect of drugs. They lose control over themselves and can’t manage to stand straight themselves. Their body goes weak and fall ill. They lose their sense of hunger and live on drugs. They reach a height of desperation where they can go to any extent to procure drugs. They lose their morality and cannot understand how to react to situations. They lose the sense of stimuli and their life deteriorates to such a level that they stop thinking about other aspects of their lives. They spend huge amounts of money on drugs. They start resorting to inhuman methods for procuring money to buy drugs. Some of them turn criminals and can get down to killing people for drugs. They lose respect and love from the people around them. Their way of living turns pitiable. Drug addiction is an evil that deteriorates a person physically, mentally, emotionally and socially. It is not easy to get rid of it but with support and self-determination, it can be possible.

There are many rehabilitation centres all over the country where drug addicts are brought and they are helped to get rid of their addiction gradually. They are reconstructed and are taught to live a healthy life yet again. Physical and mental exercises help a victim return to a healthier way of living only if he really wants to get rid of the addiction. Determination and strength is required to combat the problem. A recreational activity or a hobby can help them channelize their energy and time in a productive way thus keeping them busy. A strong will-power is required so that they do not returns to drugs and other such addictions.

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Speech topics

Cyber-crime or cyber terrorism has emerged as a new way of spreading terror and harming people as individuals or communities as a whole. With development of computers and technology, they have been employed by a section of people to commit offences. Cyber-crime at a lower level can be used to harm an individual person causing him physical or mental harm directly or indirectly. At a larger level, Communities or nations as a whole can be terrorized causing them financial, social, cultural, political losses and putting their integrity and security at stake.Speech topics

Cyber-crime can be seen  in various forms like copyright infringement, juvenile crime, dealings of drug trafficking, human or child trafficking, identity theft, frauds, cyber stalking, information warfare or even cyber-warfare. Cyber terrorism in general, can be defined as an act of terrorism committed through the use of cyberspace or computer resources. Cyber warfare is basically referred to activity crossing international borders and involving the interest of at least one nation. Spams or unsolicited sending of bulk emails for commercial purposes is also considered unlawful in some jurisdictions. Many spam mails even cause frauds and tempt people with job or academic opportunities for huge amounts of money. Altering, tampering or destroying data stored in computers for national security or political reasons is another form of computer crime.  Drug traffickers and dealers often take help of the internet to sell drugs illegally.  Computer viruses are malicious softwares which are put into computer systems to corrupt the system files, extract data illegally or malfunction the systems. Many hackers and criminals use such softwares to freeze national or community computers. Other forms of fraud may be facilitated using computers like bank fraud, identity theft, extortion and theft of classified information.

There have been many cases where cyber-crime has affected world powers and has put their national security, political stand and financial strength in danger. Many big universities have also been detected as source of malicious codes to computers all over the world. Some sites have pop-ups and links that might be containing threat. Obscene media is often circulated over the internet. Many organization heads, famous leaders, celebrities and high officials have been victims of personal identity theft.

Computer crime needs to be combatted. We can take precautions to avoid being victimized by taking care not to rely on any information over the net easily. Spam mails should be removed. Anti-viruses and software securities should be installed in computers. Public computers should not be allowed to be used by anyone without checking their identity. National computer systems should have a backup of all their data and the information in their computer systems should be secured well. Such steps can minimize chances of cyber-crime.

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Slum Culture in India

Speech topics

Slums as perceived by most of us are dirty, dingy, mostly illegal and poor societies that lack amenities, wealth or basic standards of living. Today, for many large slums a part of this definition is true; whereas the other part is not. They are definitely dirty and dingy lacking many basic facilities but some of them possess huge amounts of wealth. India has some of the largest slums in the continent as well as the world in its largest metropolitan like Mumbai, New Delhi etc. This reflects the sharp contrast and irony of the two types of lives led in a developed city.Speech topics

A slum is established when a group or a community of people who are weak economically, socially or culturally find an area to establish their dwellings. With time, schools and hospitals are developed in the region but the facilities are not up to the mark. They have to live a life of insecurity and fear as to when they will be dislocated or will be victimized by attacks from other communities. They are enveloped by the vicious cycle of poverty, unemployment, crime, corruption and illiteracy.

To add to their despair, the poor hygiene conditions, congested areas give rise to various health problems. Due to lack of proper amenities, the crime rate in such regions is extremely high. Probability of riots and fights is also high. But these days, many large slums are house to some of the biggest trades in the world; some illegal others legal. Many communities with a rich culture and indigenous art forms often promote them and resort to cottage industries to earn money. Many others are centres of drug and human trafficking, hubs for gangsters and dacoits and even terrorist camps. Life in a slum is unpredictable and dangerous as there is no security or stability of life. People there are surrounded by the fear as to when the government or any other NGO will come up with a new development project at the site of their settlement and they will have to leave the area. They have no financial or social back up and thus many families eventually land up struggling for square meals by doing odd jobs. Many communities disperse and settle in different cities and towns. Many others go back to villages in search of a stable life. This leads to disappearance of minority groups and their cultures.

Steps are being taken to take care of the slum dwelling people by governmental and non-governmental organizations alike. These people are being given proper legal areas to live and are being provided with employment opportunities as well. They are being protected socially, culturally and financially. Many slums are yet to receive this support. Cooperative measures will help them reap the benefits of our nation’s development.

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Speech Topics

Food holds utmost importance in everyone’s’ lives. Not just as a basic necessity for survival, it holds a cultural, social and sentimental significance in some communities. The traditions and rituals attached to meals and cuisines for some societies date back to ancient history.  For many people, their meals are grand and have certain rules and principles attached to them. Some communities do not have their meals unless the entire family is present. Some others believe in taking the courses of a meal in a particular order. Food forms an integral part of culture and social richness of people. It also symbolizes social status and position for some people. People judge others on the basis of the food served to them, the order it is served in, the way they are presented and even the amount it is served in. Table manners and food habits hold utmost importance in some societies and their disobedience is taken as offensive and disrespectful. Some cuisines are an identity to their place of origin and the world often comes to know these places due to the food that travels all over the world.Speech Topics

Today many food habits, traditions and manners have been changed due to various reasons. Due to globalization, cuisines have been altered and recipes have been modified to suit the various tastes. Due to the fast modern life and growing trend of nuclear families, many table manners have been ignored and eliminated from our lives. The trend of junk food and instant fast food has suppressed the concept of complete and balanced nutrition. Adulteration of food items has degraded the quality of food found these days.

These changes have brought huge amounts of changes in our lifestyle and the quality of our living too. Diseases like obesity, diabetes have been on a rise due to growing intake of junk food. Often, it is impossible for the entire family to be present during the meals these days which might lead to reduced family values. Modification in recipes has even led to loss of the original flavor of many recipes which have not been preserved. The food items available these days are not pure which cause various diseases like infections, food poisoning etc. This degraded quality of food has affected the quality of nutrition provided to us. Studies say that this leads to decrease in the average lifetime of a person. The cultural and social sentiments attached to the food habits and traditions have been decreased to negligible levels due to the fast lives people lead today. Thus, we see a changing trend and outlook towards one of our basic necessities over the changing times.

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Unemployment and Underemployment

Speech topics

The importance of literacy has been recognized both by the government and the people. People are the wealth of a country but the illiterate people are a burden to the country. Though it is the illiterate who are mostly unemployed, thousands of well educated young men and women roam from pillar to post seeking a good job. Education is the passport to a job but this is proving false nowadays. The unemployment problem grows more and more severe each year. The jobs available are quite disproportionate to the large number of educated youths seeking employment.Speech topics

Underemployment is as serious a problem as unemployment. It is not very sad that a B.E graduate works in an office as a clerk? He should have a job and the post to which he is appointed is an underestimation of his educational qualification. He should get a monthly salary and when no good job is available to him despite his best efforts he has to reconcile himself with what he gets.

When India attained independence fifty percent of the people were below the poverty line. With the increasing unemployment problem there is increasing poverty. More and more educational institutions, especially medical and engineering colleges are spring up. Every year a relatively a large number of students pass out from these institutions. But providing suitable job positions for most of them is very difficult. When failing to secure a good job many start small businesses. How many have achieved success in business enterprise?

In the rural areas the unemployment problem is acute. Agriculturists who form the majority of the population of villages have employment only during a particular season. They have only seasonal employment and they idle away their time during the time when they have no work. They are left without any income and depend largely on their parents for their food and clothes.

In the urban areas even able-bodied youths take up jobs like selling snacks, vegetables or flower. Many of them say that they want to be independent by doing petty business. They seek freedom but they do not want to be in a good job. They are forced to be contented with their low income. The story of these youths is an instance of underemployment. As already mentioned wealth of a nation is its people and each citizen of a nation should earn well to make up for its gross wealth. The employment of a greater number of people will increase the per capita income of the people.

India is a land of villages and the nation’s poor economic status is largely accountable for the poor economic status of the rural areas. There is a great divide between the urban and rural areas and therefore there is a great disparity in the life-style and economic status between the urban and rural areas. The urban areas should create more avenues of employment for the poor village folk. The literacy concept should be well embedded in the minds of the rural people. The time has come when no longer the rural people can live segregated without the benefits of education and without being well employed. It is not possible by everybody in the village to depend on agricultural income alone. While agriculture is the mainstay of the villagers the second and third generation people of a village family can seek jobs in the urban areas to great extent.

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Indian Tourism

Speech topics

India is a beautiful country. A life time would be too short to view all the beautiful sights that this coutry has to offer.people going out to various places spend a lot of money, buying souvenirs, eating at restaurants or shopping for gifts for friends and relatives. This whole process of buying or selling the things has given birth to an entire industry. The tourism industry can be good source of earning revenue. If a person is selling something that is attractive looking it is very obvious that he can put any price tag on it. Someone or the other will definitely buy it. May be it is too durable but if it has been attractively packaged, it will be sold in minutes.Speech topics

India is a country which is rich in diversity. The majestic Himalayas, the sparkling ocean, the dry desert, the dancing rivers, the enticing lagoons or the magical backwaters, appeal to nature lovers. People come from far of countries to a new beautiful vision glory of nature. Adventure tourism is on the rise for those who prefer a more challenging holiday while water rafting para gliding, bungee jumping, trekking appeal to those who want a full day activity. There are uncountable fortresses and palaces in India which are also worth visiting. But the major bulks of the tourists, Indians as well as foreigner go to various temples situated far and near.

The tourism industry, on the other hand, is very disorganized. The rates of various tour packages differ from agent to agent and at times one reaches the hotel to find that the luxuries mentioned in the brochure are non-existent. Reservations get cancelled without notice, luggage goes missing. The country has to realize that the industry is a good source of earning foreign exchange. Effective regulations can give a new lease of life to this industry. Things are changing however and all is not dark and gloomy. With appropriate measures more and more people could be drawn to India as a favorite tourist spot. With the rise of terrorism in the South East Asian countries, the earthquakes and the Tsunami, many foreigners are turning to India, for it is a safe haven for holiday lovers.

Various states are promoting themselves as true holiday destinations. As more and more Indians become interested in spending holiday touring, instead of visiting relatives, the industry is set to grow manifold.

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Indian Cinema

Speech topics

Cinema is in today’s world is the most popular means of entertainment. Millions of people watch cinema everyday all over the world not only as a means of entertainment but also as an escape from the monotony, boredom, anxiety and troubles of life. It is a restful, pleasurable and entertaining means of relaxing after a long day’s work. Moreover it is the only means of entertainment which all sections of society can afford.

Indian cinema-apart from world cinema-has a charm, flavor and magic of its own. It appeals not only to the film-crazy Indian public but also has enchanted a large number of audience the world over. People who do not speak or understand Hindi still sing songs from Hindi films. An average Indian film is longer than films from other parts of the world, has a ginger-touch of love, hate revenge, drama, tears, joys and also its own share of songs and dances. A typical Indian film has in it all the spice and variety of life condensed into it, transporting on the audience on a magic carpet to a totally different world where everything and anything is possible.Speech topics

Down the years, cinema in India has reached its own destination, created its own history, and touched its own milestones. The journey from silent movies to talkies from black and white to coloured has been a progressive one. It has catered to the dreams and aspirations of many. There have been two steams of cinema in India- one is the commercial cinema which has the sole aim of entertaining and making money in return. The second stream is the parallel cinema or the Art cinema which aims at sensitizing the people on various social issues and problems of the society, parallel cinema appeals mainly to the intellectual class among the society.

Cinema has an educative value too. Because it exercises a deep influence upon the minds of the people, cinema can be used as a very effective means of change. Social awareness on issues like dowry, women education, abortion, girl foeticide, youth unrest, corruption, unemployment, poverty, illiteracy etc find the ways in cinema. Cinema can expose the evils prevalent in the society. It is the most effective means of mass communication. Cinema is also e great unifying force in a diversified country like ours. Thousands of people earn their livelihood through cinema.

The silver screen spreads and sells not just dreams but captivates the hearts of young boys and girls. Thus if this medium is not used judiciously and wissely, it can distract the youth from the right direction. Thus, the film-makers should undertake film-making a social responsibility and use their sense of direction.

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India In My Dreams

Speech topics

We are all used to dreaming and enjoy doing it. The pleasures of building castles in the air are untold and infinite. At times some people sit and discuss about the current political and socioeconomic situation and give their own news and suggestions about the problems facing the country. What kind of a country do we dream of? All of us being inhabitants of citizens of our country naturally dream of the kind of a country that we desire for. We even dream of building a kind of country as we hope it to be.Speech topics

India is a country with an amazing diversity. With the onset of the new millennium, historians, sociologists and other experts predict that only three Asian countries seem to be having the potential of taking Asia to great heights i.e., India, China and Japan, Japan is of course economically challenging but China and India seem to be more dominating and promising because of their impressive size and man power, India marching gloriously ahead after her independence, is emerging as a force to reckon with. But a lot needs to be done on the home front with illiteracy, population explosion, poverty, unemployment, corrupt politicians etc. Besides this, we have failed to provide basic needs of to all the citizens like safe and clean drinking water, housing, sanitation, a square meal a day, medical facilities etc. moreover, the problem of malnutrition, AIDS etc, are growing day by day. According to the report of WHO about lakh Indians were suffering from AIDS at the beginning of the millennium and by 2010 if sufficient measures are not taken India will overtake Africa in HIV infection status.

The India of my dreams may appear impracticable and a little too imaginative to many but then this is what I hope my country to be. In the land of my dreams, the suffering millions and the burden of poverty will be non existent. The ever-widening gap between the rich and the poor will be bridged. Education will be free and compulsory and there will be complete law and order. Crime and violence will be curbed and reason will reign all over. Every citizen will be able to express his/her ideas. No one would be deprived of justice. Everyone will live with dignity. There will be equal rights for everyone-no discrimination between rich and the poor, high or low, man or woman.

Science and technology will reach every village, town and city. Computer literacy will be a haven for scientists. We will produce our own products with indigenous technology. The country will be self-reliant in technology and everything else. All citizens will be swayed only by one emotion-patriotism. Thus, India of my dreams would be strong and self-reliant economically and strong in its defense, politically astute, socially civilized, non-communal, secular, educated and united.

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Failures Are The Pillars To Success

Thus go an ancient saying ‘To be a champion, fight one more round, “which is very true. Only tireless pursuit can create winners. Success comes to those who try and never tire. To be a winner, one has learn to strive with perseverance, courage and determination. Success cannot be achieved in a day. The road to success is not an easy one.

It is narrow, rough, patchy, slong and full of hurdles and obstacles. One has to learn to overcome the hurdles and obstacles to achieve the desired goal. In reality, the path to success is strewn with failures. With each failure one gets closer to success and with each fall one rises higher. It may seem paradoxical and contradictory to talk of failures and falls along with success and rising higher. Each failure brings one closer to success because within each failure is hidden a lesson about success.

The child takes a step forward but then on the second one he falls and stumbles. But that does not mean that the child will never learn to walk just because he stumbled. Rather this stumbling ensures that soon he will learn not only to walk but run around also. Look at a bird in the sky, how it flutters, flutters and fails. Hoe does the wings quiver as I makes it first attempts to fly. It tries and fails. But it does not give up. But at the end it spreads its wings and off its go into the blue sky.

The story of the ant trying to climb a wall is often remembered. It crawls a few inches and falls. But tries again. In fact, the ant goes on trying infinitely-trying to reach the top of the wall. The on looker gets bored, tired and loses heart. But the ant does not. It keeps on trying till it reaches the top-till it reaches where it wants to be.

History too is sprinkled with such instances where success is granted only after passing through a series of failures. Mohd. Ghazni had attacked 17 times before he succeeded in con- quering India. One has to try a number of times before actually tasting success. Even great men and women in the world have had their share of failures before reaching their desired goals.

The darkest hour is before dawn. Thus when nothing seems to work out in the right manner and it seems that all roads are leading to failures and nothingness one has to just remember the arrival of the dawn, the sun rising dispelling darkness at that very moment when night seemed blackest and thickest. Therefore one should never lose hope but keep on trying till one achieves success.

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