Persuasive speech topics on An incident I would like to forget

Essay Writing on ‘A HOUSE ON FIRE’ It was a hot day in summer. I was having a nap after my lunch. A sudden noise awoke me. I heard people shouting ‘fire’. I looked out through the window and saw clouds of smoke rising from a house only a few yards away from my house. … Read more

Persuasive Speech Topics on Anti-Social Activities

ANTISOCIAL OR ANTINATIONAL ACTIVITIES The normal and healthy way for an individual to earn a living id by engaging himself in an activity which is socially useful and accepted by the society. A person may earn his living as a labourer, trader or as a producer. But when a person produces or trades in a … Read more

Persuasive speech Topics on AN EARLY MORNING WALK

Persuasive speech on ‘AN EARLY MORNING WALK’ Of all the recreations that men indulge in, a morning walk is the most rewarding. The air is fresh and free of dust and smoke. There is hardly any traffic on the roads. Once can enjoyed one’s walk peacefully. As one walk’s, one’s cares and anxieties drop away. … Read more