A child idolizes his teachers more than anyone else in his life. All of us have our own ideals in our lives. A teacher is like a God to the child. In Indian culture, a teacher is given utmost importance. That means a teacher must get the importance from the children after their parents. A Teacher not only teaches the students the lesson in the books but also act as a spiritual guide for his students.
I study in Tagore Public school. There are about 30 teachers in our school. Some of them have taught me earlier. Some are teaching me this year and there are others who haven’t taught me still. Nevertheless, I know them all. I like all my teachers. They are very kind and loving. My favourite teacher is Mr. Sharma.
He is our Maths teacher. He is a middle-aged man with pleasing habits and good behaviour. He is intelligent and a master in his subject. He is very disciplined but not very strict to the students. We feel at ease when he is around. He makes Mathematics easy for all of us and all of us enjoy it.
He is very soft spoken, kind, gentle, helping and caring. He is always ready to listen patiently to the problems of the students. His admirable qualities make him a favourite of not only me but of all the students. He is our games’ incharge too. We all enjoy playing games under his supervision. He is very friendly to the students while practicing.
The reasons for liking him too much are many. Last year when I had fallen ill and could not go to school for many days, he himself came to my home. My parents and I too felt very happy. He then helped me to manage the loss of classes. He made me feel very special. He encouraged a lot me to study. And he cleared all my doubts about the lost portions. I owe a lot to him for my speedy recovery.
Since then, he has become a regular visitor to my family. But one thing I admire most is that he is neither partial nor biased. He is very honest and simple. Teachers like him are a fine example of simple living and high thinking. The country needs more devoted and dedicated teachers like him. Students would work harder when they have such inspiring much sources to follow.