Value of Discipline – Essay writing Topics

Essay Writing Topics Value of Discipline

The Value of Discipline

Discipline means learning to obey certain rules of conduct. The very essence of discipline is obedience – obedience to rules. In other words, discipline means the willing submission of a person to rules, regulations and instructions recognised by society. It is a willing and polite discharge of one’s duty towards others in soci­ety. If there is no discipline in life, there is anarchy.

Discipline reigns supreme from heaven to earth. For instance, the earth, the moon and the stars move round the sun according to certain specific rules. Even animals are disciplined under the leaders of their herds. The life of bees in a hive is a model of disciplined life. The various organs of the human body co-operate with one another and are disciplined for the growth of the whole body.

Essay Writing Topics Value of Discipline

There are two main aspects of discipline. One is the moral aspect which is concerned with the individual and his inner qualities. The other is the social aspect which governs the external behaviour of a person in the society.

The training of a child is a good example of discipline in the first sense. To be of any use in human society, a child has to be trained from its early years. The home is the nursery where it receives the first lessons of discipline through obedience to elders. Discipline becomes a matter of vital importance to any educational institution. This is because student life is a period of preparation for the battle of life. There is a greater need for discipline in the society also. A family having no discipline becomes a den of quarrels and is ultimately divided. If the members in a society are undisciplined, it will break up and its progress will be arrested. Lack of discipline among the youth of a country is dangerous to national security. Democracy is a mockery in undisciplined countries and such countries will be ultimately ruled by dictators.

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My Unforgettable Teacher

Speech Topics on teachers day

essay writing topics on my unforgettable teacher

A child idolizes his teachers more than anyone else in his life. All of us have our own ideals in our lives. A teacher is like a God to the child. In Indian culture, a teacher is given utmost importance. That means a teacher must get the importance from the children after their parents. A Teacher not only teaches the students the lesson in the books but also act as a spiritual guide for his students.Speech Topics on teachers day

I study in Tagore Public school. There are about 30 teachers in our school. Some of them have taught me earlier. Some are teaching me this year and there are others who haven’t taught me still. Nevertheless, I know them all. I like all my teachers. They are very kind and loving. My favourite teacher is Mr. Sharma.

He is our Maths teacher. He is a middle-aged man with pleasing habits and good behaviour. He is intelligent and a master in his subject. He is very disciplined but not very strict to the students. We feel at ease when he is around. He makes Mathematics easy for all of us and all of us enjoy it.

  He is very soft spoken, kind, gentle, helping and caring. He is always ready to listen patiently to the problems of the students. His admirable qualities make him a favourite of not only me but of all the students. He is our games’ incharge too. We all enjoy playing games under his supervision. He is very friendly to the students while practicing.

The reasons for liking him too much are many. Last year when I had fallen ill and could not go to school for many days, he himself came to my home. My parents and I too felt very happy. He then helped me to manage the loss of classes. He made me feel very special. He encouraged a lot me to study. And he cleared all my doubts about the lost portions. I owe a lot to him for my speedy recovery.

Since then, he has become a regular visitor to my family. But one thing I admire most is that he is neither partial nor biased. He is very honest and simple. Teachers like him are a fine example of simple living and high thinking. The country needs more devoted and dedicated teachers like him. Students would work harder when they have such inspiring much sources to follow.

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Value of Discipline

essay writing Topics

 “There is not to make reply,

  Theirs not  to reason why,

  Theirs but to do and die”

These famous lines by Lord Alfred Tennyson, emphasizes the place of discipline in the army and during times of war. It is obvious that no army can function and no battle can be fought successfully if every soldier wants to know the reasons behind his superior’s orders or if he argues with him about the necessity of his order.essay writing Topics

Discipline is necessary not only in the army but also in every organization, in every walk of life, in every activity. In order to understand what discipline is. For any walk that is to be done, an individual must have before him a goal, and a purpose. The goal can best be achieved if the work is done in the most efficient way with complete concentration. One has to devote his time, energy, resources to the activity. Strict obedience to the required rules for any work or activity is called discipline.

Since adults are supposed to have some self-control, they can on their own, obey the necessary rules of work or activity. Hence discipline comes to them automatically. It is internal. But children are not in a position to understand the necessity of obeying certain rules, or even if they do understand, they may be swayed by immediate or unimportant interests or diversions. So discipline has to be included in them. It is external. Children must accept the authority of their parents and teachers and obey their orders or instructions seriously.Essay topics paragraph writing on discipline

Discipline, whether it is internal or external, requires a great deal of self-control. But it never restricts or reduces one’s freedom. On the contrary, it makes freedom all the more meaningful and creates the necessary conditions in which freedom can be exercised or enjoyed. Discipline is like the banks of the river which do not obstruct the flow of its water but make it possible for the river to flow smoothly with proper force in the desired direction. Similarly, discipline makes it possible for the individual to utilize his time, energy and resources in a better way to achieve the desired results.

Discipline makes all the difference between success and failure, progress and stagnation. Discipline is the very foundation on which success in any activity or work is based. The great writer Edmund Spencer has said, ” A stern discipline pervades all nature, which is a little cruel that it may be very kind.”

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